Without Ousmane Dembélé, dismissed from the group, but with the return of Lionel Messi, FC Barcelona receives Betis Sevilla for the 12th day of La Liga. Follow the meeting live.

French winger Ousmane Dembélé, criticized in Barcelona after a new problem of indiscipline, was dismissed on Saturday from the group retained by coach Ernesto Valverde, who records however the return of injury from the Argentine Lionel Messi and French Samuel Umtiti, declared fit.

According to the Spanish press, Dembélé did not show up for training on Thursday, remaining long unreachable by his club, and this incartade is added to recent delays that had already been controversial in Spain. FC Barcelona announced on its website Saturday that the French international (21 years, 20 caps) was dismissed, "by technical decision" coach Ernesto Valverde, the group retained for the match of the 12th day of the World Championship. Spain face Betis Sevilla Sunday.

Faced with controversy, Valverde was beset by questions on the subject in a press conference. "Everyone can interpret it (this absence) as they wish, I try to do my best for the team and for the club," said the coach.

A sanction ?

"I have no comment to make, the internal questions remain internally, I just make a sports diagnosis of what we need for the match tomorrow (Sunday) and then I make decisions for the group , for the team and at the individual level , "he added, while trying to poke his player: " Dembélé has an incredible talent, the only thing we expect is that he shows it on a daily basis " .

This sporting sanction intervenes while the French seemed to raise the head after a successful beginning of season then a big empty passage. Moreover, he seemed to be able to take advantage of the injury of the Brazilian Philippe Coutinho to establish himself as holder.

Valverde made this decision all the more easily as he recovered Saturday captain and master to play Lionel Messi, recovered from a broken arm and declared fit by doctors, just like Samuel Umtiti (knee).

The technician did not reveal if Messi was likely to play the entire match against Betis. "We will see tomorrow (Sunday) if he can play 90 minutes, but he has no apprehension about the fall, the support, the duels," he concluded. "I saw him in shape and he is sure of himself."