France came back 2-1 in the Davis Cup final against Croatia after the Herbert / Mahut pair earlier in the day. Can the Blues turn the tide? "I believe in it," says Sébastien Grosjean.

Sébastien Grosjean, what did you think of this double?

"They were good, above for two and a half sets. It was not easy to return to 0-2. It could have pinned well and won in three races if there is the double break at the beginning of the 3rd. But a little tension, a little less first, some returns from the Croats and behind it is more complicated. We feel the Croats a little above, they spread break balls from the beginning of the 4th. But there is the reaction of this public who is fabulous and who allows us to get this tie-break and to be still alive. "

++ The pair Mahut / Herbert brings back the first point of the Blues

The remontada is possible?

"There are two more games to win ... In any case, we were not allowed to make mistakes today and they were good. They may not have played their best doubles, but they played the double that was needed. Pavic was below, he reacted well in the middle of the 3rd. It was hoped that Sunday would be decisive, now it is. "

"As long as there is hope ..."

What are we doing now?

"I'm not a captain. I feel Jo is hurt. It's an impression, I did not have confirmation, but considering how he ends the match, I can not imagine on the short Sunday, especially if it's muscle. Let Jeremy begin, or launch Lucas. Will this be the option chosen by Yannick? If we send Lucas, it is Pierre-Hugues who would go in case of fifth match. Today, for me, Pierre-Hugues is the best on the field, tennis. He is a singles player too, he has won matches. We can see everything. Today, you have to focus on the first single. Who is most fortunate between Jeremy, Lucas and Pierre-Hugues, to go and get Cilic. Yannick has seen guys practice for two weeks on earth ... "

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Do you have any indication of how good Lucas was during the course?

"No, I was in London to comment on the Masters. I have no indication. What is certain is that we have two very strong players in front: a n ° 7 and a n ° 12. Cilic was at the Masters four times over the last five years. Coric progresses, has a good season and finishes 12th in the world. So whatever happens, it will be a big performance to get Cilic, but it was already the challenge at the beginning of this final. "

Can we imagine, after this double and this atmosphere, that the dynamic is slightly reversed or is it utopian to believe that?

"No, we must believe it! In any case, I believe it. As long as there is hope, the public ... It will be excellent and expect to play a Cilic at its level, but keep in the early game, the beginning of the game, so that the public really do difference as in the beginning of the fourth. He's just waiting for that. What was 22,000 people today? It's fabulous and that's why we love this competition. "