Third in the last round of Cup Normandy in Cerisy-la-Forêt, Julien Roussel tackles the Coupe de France this Sunday at Pierric. The opportunity to go upmarket.


How do you feel after your third place at Cerisy-la-Forêt, during the last round of the Normandy Cup?

I feel good, the form comes at the right time. The race went pretty well, until the last kilometer. I fell while I was fighting for the victory ... Otherwise, we start charging at the training level. It should rise again more crescendo as the weeks go by.

Does the disappointment of falling so close to the finish line outweigh the satisfaction of having been up front?

I am inevitably disappointed because victory was within my reach. But, I'm happy to be still in the game especially that for now the circuits are not at my convenience. I prefer when the soil is greasy and wet, when there is mud. At the moment, I am not painted at this level. It shows that you can count on me on dry circuits.

You play the 2nd round of Coupe de France in Pierric (Loire-Atlantique), this Sunday. With what ambitions?

Obviously it will not be easy to fight with the professionals, but getting into the top 10 or top 15 would already be very good. It would be a good performance because unless it rains the same day, the circuits will be still dry, I think.

What will your program be after this?

There will be Cyclocross Coutances with Tony Périou, one of the best Bretons if not one of the best French. There will also be my rival Normand Arthur Topardy and some road professionals. It will be a good race. I have not fixed where I will go next. It will be in Normandy, Pays de la Loire or Brittany, we'll see.

After we will attack the cyclo-cross in Normandy with Tourouvre and the Normandy championship in Bagnoles-de-l'Orne, which will be one of my big goals of the season.

How important is this Normandy championship to you?

Bagnoles-de-l'Orne is my corner, I'm not far from my origins. There will be all my relatives, my fans from the first hour. There were 9 cyclo-cross races and I finished eight times second. I have never won while I am often host of the race. There will be the Normandy Championship, my penultimate because I will end my career next year. So get a title at Bagnoles-de-l'Orne, it would be excellent.