The Lorientais (N1), who face tonight (20h) the team of Caen (Pro B) in the 32nd finals of the Coupe de France, want to take advantage of their dynamic and create the sensation against a team in difficulty.

For a month, the doubt hangs over the head of the Caen. At the end of the last defeat at home against Denain (64-81), coach Antoine Michon did not hide his dismay at the inability of his team to find the right pace in Pro B. After four days, the Caen are 17th and penultimate. They especially recorded only one victory (against Blois), then chaining three defeats against Nancy, Chartres and Denain ...

"We live in happiness"

An explanation for this bad start? No doubt the absence of the American leader, Jerrold Brooks (thigh), unavailable until November 16. And so absent tonight at the Sports Palace Kervaric. "It's complicated without a leader. We play with a lot of tension, " noted Friday Michon, also disappointed by the performance of Brad Waldow, pivot American (4 points and 4 rebounds on average per game).

In Lorient, it's all the opposite or almost: the club morbihannais surf on an excellent dynamic of six victories in the league. But Philippe Maucourant low profile: "Caen is a big club and we are far from favorites, says coach Lorient. I have a player team. We will play this game thoroughly and I especially want to see my team in this state of mind. "

A good opportunity to compete with players of a much higher caliber, in a match that the Bretons will nevertheless address without complex. "We do not ask questions, continues the coach. The group lives well since the beginning of our preparation. We do not hide it. Moreover, the results (six wins and two defeats in N1) are the consequences of this collective well-being. We must not be afraid to say that we live in happiness. It feels good to hear and it is appreciable. If we can continue the adventure, we will not deprive ourselves. "

Tonight, 8 pm, at the Kervaric Sports Palace in Lorient.

CEP LORIENT. Leaders: Saounera (1.78m), Missonier (1.86m), Albicy (1.90m). Back wing: Semple (United States, 1.95 m), Bigote (1.90 m), Perroni (1.96 m), Brown (United States, 1.98 m). Interiors: The Greves (2.01 m), Dargenton (2.04 m). Pivots: Pourchot (2.22 m), Samaké (2.01 m). Coach: Philippe Maucourant.

CAEN. Leaders: Clerc (1.89 m). Back wing: Duwiquet (1.95 m), Esso Essis (1.98 m), Pope (1.96 m). Interiors: Salmon (2.02 m), Norelia (2.03 m). Pivots: Waldow (United States, 2.07 m), Ramseyer (2.02 m). Coach: Antoine Michon.