“Russians for all are strong competitors”

In the first match of the Youth World Hockey Championship, the Russian team met with the Danes, who on the eve lost to the tournament hosts with a shameful score - 0:14. Wards of Valery Bragin so confidently beat the opponent could not, but also did not experience any problems - 4: 0. The coach himself after the meeting was traditionally focused and found what to criticize the wards for.

“We talked with the players, congratulated them on the victory, identified mistakes. The main ones are game discipline. It is necessary to remove unnecessary deletions. This is a world championship, so the actions of any hockey player must be subordinated to the team game. On this topic and talked. Segments looked good, in general, the quality of hockey turned out acceptable. The championship is just beginning, and therefore you need to dial the game tone and feel the atmosphere of the tournament. The first game on the MFM as a rule always turns out to be more emotional - there is not enough composure in certain situations, ”the official website of FHR quotes Bragin.

According to the mentor, his team will have a harder time in the next match, as the Czech team is a strong contender. Bragin intends to encourage the wards to take the game as seriously as possible.

In turn, the author of the second washer against the Danes' grandson of Zinetuly Bilyaletdinov, Alexander Romanov, described how he reacted to the fact that Canadian fans mainly supported Scandinavians.

“It's nice to hear“ Kalinka ”after an abandoned puck at a Canadian stadium. At that moment I thought: “Wow, this tune is also constantly playing at CSKA matches.” Very pleased to have included the track. Fans supported Denmark? It is not surprising, because Russians are strong competitors for everyone, everyone is afraid of us, everything is as usual, ”Romanov quoted as saying Sport24.

At the same time, the hockey player, recognized as the best player of the match, noted that the team took the Danes seriously, without underestimating.

“Of course, there were no thoughts that the Danes after 14 missed pucks from Canadians would give up. On the contrary, it was expected that they would actively go forward to prove that they were not so bad. After today's game, we just have to make an important conclusion: each opponent must be taken as seriously as possible and worked out in each episode, ”the defender emphasized.

Romanov also declined to comment on the work of the judging panel led by Kenneth Anderson, who left the Russian minority eight times, noting that he was pleased with everything.

"The match with the Czechs will be more difficult"

Another defender of the national team Dmitry Samorukov dismantled the game in more detail.

“We made mistakes today, not without it. In particular, they allowed the opponent to spend too much time in the majority. In general, you need to improve your game. Also, many acted in the attack zone, but the case was not often brought to the shots, ”said Samorukov.

The defender also noted that the Russians took the opponent seriously.

“On the MFM, all the teams are strong, so we tried to play at the maximum. They understood that it would not be easy. What is the difference how much they missed from Canada? Such things do not affect us, just went out on the ice with a good mood. And the fact that the fans supported the opponent, did not affect. When you play on such large arenas, you focus only on the game, and you absolutely do not care who or what is screaming there, ”the athlete assured.

But judging Samorukov, unlike Romanov, was unhappy.

“Three or four deletions turned out to be controversial, although we recently discussed new rules. According to them, such penalties are considered correct. It remains only to work on this and minimize the risk of remaining in the minority, ”added the defender.

The youngest hockey player in the Russian team 17-year-old striker Vasily Podkolzin also talked to the press. In a match with Denmark, he spent a little more than 13 minutes on the ice, was noted with one throw and earned two penalty minutes.

“It was my first game at such a high level. I happened to play with the guys who are two years older. The level of speed and struggle here is quite different, but I was prepared for this. The match with the Czechs will be even more difficult, we will have a lot of struggle, but I do not expect closed hockey. Now we will recover a little and we will prepare for this meeting. I also try to abstract away all extraneous conversations as much as possible and I don’t read the press, I’m only focused on the tournament, ”FKhR quotes Podkolzin.

In turn, the Danes did not miss the chance to pry Russian hockey players. Some of them said that the national team looks weaker than Canada. For example, this point of view adheres to the striker of the Danish national team Andreas Grundtvig.

“The Russian national team is a good team. I think we played at their level, the opponent obviously had a hard time. I don’t know if they expected an easy outcome after our defeat against Canada. Russians skate well and see each other, plus they do well in the majority. But I think they will lose to the Canadians. The "Maple Leaf" is too good team - four links, each of which is able to come to the fore. So Canada will win, ”suggested Grundtvig.

Also, the attacker told about the mood with which his wards took to the ice after a terrible defeat against Canada.

“We had to prove a lot. We tried to do everything much easier and play smart hockey throughout the meeting. It helped that the stands for us ached. It’s nice to receive such support, it becomes more fun to play immediately, ”Grundtvig added.