"I understand the area of responsibility for my action. Yes, I guess I went too far. But I want to note that I have never been a supporter of LGBT communities and, of course, I have never promoted them," he said.

Commenting on his appearance in one sock at the party of blogger Anastasia Ivleeva, he noted that he "overestimated his capabilities in pursuit of hype" and did not think about how people would perceive it.

"I had time to think about it, sitting here in the cell where I spent the entire New Year's holidays. I want you to know that I'm not the person you might think I am," the rapper added.

The re-arrest of Vacio became known on January 6. The court found the rapper guilty of petty hooliganism and sentenced him to administrative arrest for a period of ten days.

An appeal against the decision of the Lefortovo District Court of Moscow to re-arrest rapper Nikolai Vasiliev, also known as Vacio, for ten days was withdrawn from the Moscow City Court.