The Japanese Geospatial Information Center announced that the land in the port city of Wajima moved nearly 3 meters towards the west (French)

The death toll from the earthquake that struck western Japan two days ago, measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale, has risen to 64.

According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, earthquakes ranging in magnitude between 5 and 7 occurred on the first and second of January, off the coast of the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture.

The region also witnessed two other earthquakes of magnitude 5 and 5.5 on Wednesday, followed by aftershocks.

The quakes were followed by road collapses and problems with electricity and water supplies, amid disruptions to transportation with some villages.

In a statement, Ishikawa Prefecture announced that the number of earthquake victims had risen to 64 in the latest toll, after earlier announcing the death toll at 55.

Meanwhile, municipalities in the region continue to receive reports that people are trapped under the rubble waiting to be rescued.

The authorities also warned of the consequences of possible landslides in the area, based on the expected rainfall on the peninsula.

In turn, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced that the number of self-defense forces sent to the earthquake zone would be raised to two thousand.

He added that the supplies of aid and relief support continue to the region in a stable manner.

In a related context, Ishikawa Prefecture announced the allocation of a line in 6 languages, to provide advice to local and foreign residents.

The Ministry of Health has instructed the region's hospitals to provide the necessary medical services, even to those who cannot present their health insurance card.

In terms of transportation and transportation, the runways of Noto Airport in Wajima City, the closest means of transportation to the Noto Peninsula, were severely damaged.

Maintenance work has begun on the repair of runways, and airport services are scheduled to resume from midnight on the fourth of January.

For its part, the Japan Geospatial Information Center announced that the land in the coastal city of Wajima moved nearly 3 meters towards the west.

Seismologists commissioned by the central government to conduct the necessary investigations into the recent earthquake also expected seismic activities to continue.

Source : Anadolu Agency