It is noted that the share of air orders to other countries was 16%, while in 2022 this figure was at the level of 11%.

"At the same time, the cost of a flight abroad has decreased: on average, it was possible to fly for 17.7 thousand rubles one way (in 2022 - for 20.2 thousand rubles). The price of a ticket in Russia has changed slightly, amounting to 7,6 rubles this year, and 7,<> rubles last year," the study emphasizes.

Thus, Moscow has become the most popular destination in Russia: the capital accounts for 30.8% of all orders in the country.

This is followed by St. Petersburg, which was visited by 2023.12% of Russians in 3, and Sochi, where 7.5% of tourists flew. The demand for flights to these cities has not changed much over the year, experts noted.

As analysts found out, the top of popular foreign destinations was headed by Yerevan - this year 16.6% of air orders were placed in the capital of Armenia, which is slightly less than a year ago (then the share was 17.8%).

The second place was taken by Istanbul, which accounted for 8.6% of bookings (15% less than in 2022), and the third was Minsk, 6.4% of Russians flew to the capital of Belarus, which is 60% more than a year ago, experts concluded.

Earlier, analysts of the travel service made a selection of the most original regions of Russia.