The death toll from the explosion and fire at Guinea's main fuel depot rose to 21 on Thursday (December 23st), according to the government, as clashes broke out between security forces and youth groups in Conakry protesting against the lack of petrol at petrol stations.

On the night of Sunday to Monday, the blast of the explosion and the subsequent fire in the port area of Kaloum, the administrative and business district of Conakry, caused significant material damage and brought the economy to a standstill.

The fire caused "23 deaths" and 241 injuries, the government said in a statement read on state television on Thursday evening. The previous death toll published on Tuesday had reported 18 dead and more than 212 injured in the incident. Of the 241 injured, 167 have returned to their homes and 74 remain hospitalized, the government said in the statement. "There are many reports of a significant number of missing persons. Investigations are underway" to elucidate them, he added.

Guinea's ruling military chief, Colonel Mamadi Doumbouya, announced on Wednesday evening a three-day national mourning, starting Thursday, in tribute to the victims. The explosion and fire left hundreds of households stranded, caused extensive property damage and continues to cripple the country's economy. The government has announced the resumption of diesel supplies, but the distribution of petrol has been cut off since the incident and the restriction on tankers is maintained.

Tensions related to the shortage of petrol

The lack of petrol led to clashes between security forces and groups of young people demanding the fuel at petrol stations in Conakry on Thursday. Sporadic clashes on Thursday afternoon pitted stone-throwing youths against heavily deployed defence forces, who responded by firing tear gas, an AFP journalist said.

Hundreds of youths, mostly hooded or masked, barricaded the road leading from the outskirts of Conakry to the center of the capital, including in the neighborhoods of Sonfonia, Wanindara, Kagbelen, Koloma and Hamdallaye. They erected barricades, overturned garbage cans and burned tires.

In Guinea, many young people make a living from motorcycle taxi rides. They are demanding the reopening of petrol stations for all types of fuel. "You can't sell diesel and deprive yourself of petrol. Most Guineans only use petrol," protesters chanted.

"We are also full citizens, we want to work to eat and feed our families, like the authorities. We don't have anywhere to get the money. We just want the government to live up to its obligations. If not, let him get out," one of them told AFP.

Other demonstrations to demand petrol took place in the morning.


In addition, NGOs have expressed alarm about the censorship of some private media in Guinea and the restrictions on access to social networks during this period of crisis.

The Guinean Organisation for the Defence of Human and Citizens' Rights (OGDH) called on the authorities, in a statement, to restore access to social networks and private media "given the role they play in terms of informing the population throughout the national territory" and to promote "a rapid exit from the crisis".

Since the beginning of the year, access to the internet and/or social networks has been repeatedly restricted, online news sites have been inaccessible, radio stations have been rendered inaudible and removed from the offer of certain broadcasting platforms.

Several distributors, including Canal+, were ordered in December by the High Authority for Communication (HAC) to suspend the broadcasting of private TV channels for "national security imperatives".


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