, December 12 Zhu Fenglian, spokesperson for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said on December 21 that the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council issued an announcement on the same day that it decided to suspend tariff concessions on some products of the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA). For a long time, the DPP authorities have unilaterally adopted discriminatory measures such as banning and restricting the export of a large number of mainland products, violating the ECFA's clause on "gradually reducing or eliminating tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade in goods between the two sides", and harming the interests of relevant industries and enterprises on the mainland. We support the relevant authorities in suspending the tariff concessions on some ECFA products.

Zhu Fenglian said that in June 2010, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait signed the "Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" (ECFA) on the basis of the "6 Consensus". Over the years, the mainland has always earnestly fulfilled its commitments, promoted and guaranteed the entry into force and implementation of the ECFA, and brought tangible benefits to relevant enterprises and people on both sides of the strait, especially in Taiwan. However, before taking office, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) attacked the ECFA and not only did not take practical measures to lift the discriminatory trade restrictions on the mainland, but also continued to intensify its efforts to revise the rules, erect obstacles, maliciously obstruct and undermine normal cross-strait economic exchanges and cooperation, and seriously hindered the implementation of the ECFA, resulting in the relevant departments of the mainland having to suspend tariff concessions on some ECFA products. Such problems could have been properly resolved through cross-strait consultations, but the DPP authorities have stubbornly adhered to the "Taiwan independence" stance and refused to recognize the "consensus of '<>," thus undermining the political foundation for cross-strait consultations, making it difficult for relevant issues to be properly resolved, and compatriots on both sides of the strait have suffered greatly. We hope that cross-strait relations will return to the right track of peaceful development and that the two sides of the strait can resolve various issues in cross-strait economic and trade relations through consultations on the basis of the "consensus of '<>."