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Video duration 29 minutes 44 seconds 29:44

Researchers and political analysts believe that what is described as the image war is no less fierce than what is happening on the battlefield, which is what is happening in the war that Israel has been waging on the Gaza Strip for more than two months.

The daily analytical stand on Al-Jazeera channel touched on "Gaza... What's next?" to the subject of the photo war, against the background of the videos broadcast by the Palestinian resistance in the framework of psychological warfare with the occupation, the latest of which is a video of 3 Israeli prisoners killed by the occupation in Gaza.

From the point of view of the first researcher at the Al Jazeera Center for Studies, Dr. Liqa Makki, the image war parallels the battles in the field and sometimes surpasses them, considering that propaganda is an essential part of the work of armies, but it depends on the results of the field, if the army is defeated, it cannot create a state of victory, as is happening with Israel.

Makki added that Israel in its current war on the Gaza Strip has lost all its propaganda mechanism that it has built over 70 years, as the world has witnessed how it destroys and kills civilians in a heinous retaliatory manner, and showed that it is unjust and not oppressed as it has been promoting through its propaganda, and that it does not want peace, because it practices terrorism clearly and openly.

The senior researcher at the Al Jazeera Center for Studies concluded that Israel "lost the image war, because it failed in the field, and wanted to take revenge on the field in which it failed by killing civilians, so it lost on both sides."

For his part, writer and political analyst Iyad al-Kara pointed to the importance of the videos broadcast by the Palestinian resistance to the Palestinian citizen in Gaza, as well as the speeches of Abu Obeida, military spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which he said are the compass of the people of the Gaza Strip to know the direction of events.

Al-Kara stressed that Hamas, despite the difficult circumstances it is going through, is working to build an image in the face of Israel, which he said is living the nightmare of the image. He added that the Israeli occupation is looking for a victory image, which it has not yet obtained, and that its image has been distorted, and it is practically losing the legitimacy of the image worldwide because of the massacres it is committing against the Palestinians in Gaza.

Fighters with Camera

The writer and political analyst who was speaking for the program "Gaza... From Khan Younis in Gaza to the role played by what he called fighters with camera, word, recording and sound, as they convey the human image of what is happening in Gaza, despite the fact that the occupation is trying to hide the image from the world by cutting off communications, pointing to a shift in media work compared to previous wars.

As for the impact of the image war on the Israelis, Bilal al-Shobaki, head of the Department of Political Science at Hebron University, believes that there is a keen awareness of the danger of the image among the elite and opinion and decision-makers, and they know that the videos broadcast by the Palestinian resistance in Gaza are part of the psychological war and have an impact on the Israelis.

Al-Shobaki added that the videos and media material published by the Palestinian resistance aim to sow doubt in Israeli society and sow confusion in the ranks of the occupation army, which happened to him when he shot Israeli detainees in the hands of the resistance.

Many Israeli experts believe - according to Shobaki - that the most dangerous in the videos broadcast by the resistance is that it worked on 3 levels, at the beginning of the war there were recordings and videos indicating the humanity of the Palestinian, which intensified in the stage of releasing Israeli detainees, and the level of attack, as many of the recordings and videos were directed to Israeli society, then the level of deterrence, and began on Wednesday by broadcasting a recording of the possibility of industrialization in Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera