Europe 1 with AFP 21:33 p.m., December 21, 2023

The Samu of Mayotte resumed its night interventions on Thursday after the attack on one of its teams on the night of Monday to Tuesday, each of its vehicles now being escorted by the police.

"It's a unique and innovative device (...) on the basis of the request of the medical officer who hires a medical or emergency transport vehicle, an escort is also triggered, either police or gendarmerie" depending on the area of intervention, the director of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Mayotte, Olivier Brahic, told AFP on Thursday.

This decision follows an emergency meeting organized on Wednesday by the ARS of Mayotte, in the presence of representatives of the police forces, the prefecture and the Mayotte Hospital Center (CHM).

Violent episodes for several weeks

On Tuesday, the director of the Samu at the CHM Nora Oulehri announced that she would no longer hire a rescue vehicle at night on the island due to a very difficult security situation, after the attack suffered by a team returning from intervention blocked by an improvised roadblock.

Two interventions took place during the night from Wednesday to Thursday benefiting from this system. Mayotte has been facing episodes of violence for several weeks, marked by an upsurge in clashes between gangs of youths from rival villages.

Banned sporting events

After several attacks and clashes on the sidelines of football matches last weekend, which caused the death of a fan in Tsingoni (west) and the serious injury of a 15-year-old player in Ouangani (center), the prefecture of Mayotte has also banned football, handball and basketball competitions for two weeks.

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"Depending on the evolution of the security context, this ban may be extended over time and/or extended to other sporting events," the prefecture said in a statement.