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Video duration 10 minutes 25 seconds 10:25

Military expert Major General Fayez al-Duwairi said that the Israeli occupation army reached the peak of its escalation during the past two days in order to pressure the Palestinian resistance, stressing that it did everything it could, and that the resistance faced the harshest it could face.

He added that the resistance, led by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), showed steadfastness despite all this violence, and destroyed more than a thousand vehicles, i.e. more than two military divisions, and caused about 8,<> dead and wounded, without talking about sniping, shells and clashes from zero distance.

The military expert stressed that Israel "has paid a heavy bill that it cannot continue to pay," and that the situation "has entered the stage of biting the most painful fingers."

He concluded that "whoever bears more will gain more," and that throwing 35 rocket barrages at Tel Aviv alone in the air cover and the density of vehicles on the ground means that the resistance is cohesive, and that its staff is working strongly.

Source : Al Jazeera