The resistance in the West Bank repelled the incursions of the occupation forces, which increased in frequency after the Al-Aqsa flood (French)

10 Palestinians were injured in clashes with the Israeli occupation forces in several cities in the West Bank, and the occupation arrested many Palestinians there, while the Prisoners' Club revealed that the number of detainees exceeded 4,<> detainees since the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood.

In the city of Ramallah in the central West Bank, 5 Palestinians were injured during the incursion of Israeli forces into the city.

Clashes erupted between civilians and the occupying forces after 30 Israeli vehicles stormed several neighborhoods in the city, firing live bullets, rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters.

Witnesses indicated that Israeli forces raided several homes and shops, and confiscated CCTV footage of a number of shops.

In Bethlehem, three Palestinians were injured, two of them critically, in clashes that erupted after the funeral of the martyr Mahmoud Zaoul in the village of Husan, west of Bethlehem.

The Israeli occupation soldiers climbed a number of rooftops in the same area, turning them into observation points.

The village of Husan is witnessing a strike, to mourn the death of Mahmoud Zaoul, who was martyred yesterday after being wounded by live bullets in the neck during the incursion of the occupation army into the village.

Two young men were also injured in Nablus and Qalqilya during clashes with the Israeli army.

Large forces of the occupation army stormed the village of Tal from several entrances, and raided and searched a number of citizens' homes.

The occupying forces also raided Qalqilya and set up checkpoints at its entrances, which led to clashes during which they fired live ammunition, wounding a young man in the foot and arresting him.


This coincided with a campaign of arrests in several cities in the West Bank, where the Israeli occupation army arrested 31 Palestinians from the West Bank, including 3 children.

Eight Palestinians were arrested in Jerusalem, 8 in Bethlehem, including a released prisoner, two in Tubas, one in a released prisoner, and two in Salfit and one in Nablus.

In Hebron, the occupation arrested three Palestinians, including a released prisoner, two in Ramallah, and two in Tulkarm, one of whom was a released prisoner.

In this context, the Palestinian Prisoners' Club revealed that the number of detainees reached 4655,<> Palestinians since the seventh of last October.

A statement from the human rights organization indicated that the number of women arrested reached 160, including those arrested from 48 lands, and the number of children is more than 260 children.

Administrative detention orders during the same period amounted to 2345,6 orders, between new orders and renewal orders, and <> prisoners were martyred in detention.

According to the foundation's statement, the figures do not include detainees in the Gaza Strip for the refusal of the occupation to disclose them.

In addition to the arrest campaigns, the Israeli occupation forces carried out summary executions, including family members of the detainees.

Source: Agencies