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Video duration 03 minutes 16 seconds 03:16

The Israeli media followed the repercussions of what Channel 12 revealed about the shooting of a tank belonging to the occupation army on a house housing Israeli detainees in the settlement of "Be'eri" on the seventh of last October, as a former military official saw that it requires an investigation to determine its causes.

Channel 13 quoted reserve general Jai Tzur, a former commander of the ground forces, as stressing the need to investigate the incident, adding, "It will be a great calamity to investigate it and reach the conclusion that the army relied on the Hannibal Protocol and decided to kill a number of kidnapped (detainees) in exchange for a number of saboteurs (resistance elements) O Wilna."

The Hannibal Protocol allows the occupying forces to use excessive force to save any Israeli soldier from capture, even if it poses a threat to the soldier's life.

One of the channel's announcers said that it is possible to justify the shooting by claiming that they (resistance elements) began shooting hostages inside the house, but what is interesting is that no one investigated this event, despite its many question marks, adding, "I think someone should provide us with an organized investigation about what happened."

In another context, Channel 12 quoted part of a discussion that took place in the Israeli cabinet, where ministers questioned the achievements of the military operation in the Gaza Strip, to respond Chief of Staff, Herzi Halevi, by saying that "the injury of Hamas leaders needs time, it took bin Laden 10 years to assassinate."

The channel quoted Minister Levin's response by saying, "Did we enter Gaza so that it would last 10 years? Do we need 10 years to eliminate Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement)," while Transport Minister Miri Regev said, "Who will be here to see the results?" Ministers responded, "We will be here in 10 years."

Channel 13 journalist Ohid Haimo said Hamas is present in the north and south of the Gaza Strip and operates regularly, adding, "We have been looking for anti-Hamas sentiment among the Gaza public for many days. The hard truth is that I don't see any signs of energy for a popular revolt against Hamas."

Source : Al Jazeera