The Chinese government has announced that it will ban the export of manufacturing technologies such as high-performance magnets using rare earths, which are indispensable for EVs = electric vehicles. It seems that the aim is to restrain the United States, which is tightening export restrictions on advanced technologies such as semiconductors.

China's Ministry of Commerce announced on the 21st that it will ban the export of manufacturing technologies such as high-performance magnets using rare earths, and will also restrict exports of technologies related to rare earth refining.

High-performance magnets using rare earths are used in a wide range of products, such as EV motors, but China accounts for about 7% of the world's rare earth production, and countries such as the United States and Japan depend on China for processes such as refining and processing rare earths to manufacture high-performance magnets.

By enclosing these technologies, China seems to be aiming to restrain the United States, which is tightening export restrictions on semiconductors and other advanced technologies to China.

China has been tightening export restrictions on mineral resources related to high-tech products, and in December it imposed export restrictions on graphite-related products used in EV batteries and other products, and in August, it also imposed export restrictions on gallium and germanium-related products used as semiconductor materials.