Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: Stefano RELLANDINI / AFP 19:44 p.m., December 21, 2023

Citing "fruitful" talks with their management, Eurotunnel's unions announced on Thursday the end of the surprise strike that began at midday and the reopening of the Channel Tunnel "this evening".

Eurotunnel's unions announced on Thursday the end of the surprise strike that began at midday and the reopening of the Channel Tunnel "this evening", citing "fruitful" talks with their management. "The social crisis movement at Eurotunnel is coming to an end" (...) The Channel Tunnel activity will resume this evening," said FO delegate Franck Herent, who read a statement in front of the headquarters in Coquelles, where employees were gathered. "If the company's employees are returning to their jobs, it is because the negotiations that we have conducted during the day with the general management have brought results that satisfy us."

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