Ben Gvir called the idea of reducing activity in Gaza a "failure to manage the war" (Getty Images)

Israeli National Defense Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called on Thursday for the dissolution of the war cabinet over what he considered the failure of the war council to manage the battle on the Gaza Strip.

The war cabinet includes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Galant, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, and ministers without portfolio Benny Gantz and Gadi Eisenkot, which was formed on October 11 to run the war on the Gaza Strip.

Ben-Gvir, leader of the far-right Jewish Power party, said in a tweet on Platform X: "If anyone intends, God forbid, to stop the Israeli army before defeating the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and returning all the abductees, let him take into account that the Jewish power is not with him."

He added that the idea of reducing activity in Gaza is "a failure to manage the war by the limited government (the war cabinet) and must be dismantled immediately," and considered that it was time to return the reins to the founding government.

New negotiations

Israel's Channels 12 and 13 said on Wednesday, citing Israeli government officials, that the broad outlines of a new swap deal with Hamas were the release of 30 to 40 Hamas detainees in exchange for a two-week truce, the release of a large number of prominent Palestinian detainees and the withdrawal from some areas of Gaza.

According to Channel 12, Israel is ready to consider changing the military deployment in Gaza in line with war plans if the deal is implemented between the current phase of fighting and the next.

Israeli sources have told the media in recent days that the country will move into the second phase of the war within mid-January.

On Monday, Israeli media, including Channel 12, said Qatari and Egyptian mediators were negotiating with Israel in an attempt to reach a new prisoner swap.

According to Israeli statistics, Hamas captured about 239 people during its attack on the Gaza envelope on October 7, dozens of whom exchanged during a humanitarian truces that lasted 7 days until the first of December, with Israel, which holds in its prisons 7800,<> Palestinians, including children and women.

Since October 7, the Israeli occupation army has been waging a devastating war on Gaza, which has left 20,52 Palestinian martyrs, 600,<> wounded, most of them children and women, massive destruction of infrastructure and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe.

Source : Anadolu Agency