There was way too much food thrown away, according to the Christmas dinner organizers at Tjolöholm Castle, something needed to be done.

"The volumes were enormous," says Johan Udén, who is responsible for food and beverage at Tjolöholm Castle.

Every year, about 15 kilograms of edible food per person is thrown away in Swedish households, according to the National Food Agency's statistics. It is still too early to say how this year's food prices will affect this figure. Hotels and restaurants also carry a significant proportion of the food that is thrown away.

In the clip, Johan Udén talks about the tricks they have used to reduce food waste during the Christmas season.

Investing in vegetarian options

Apart from the methods used to reduce waste, the castle's restaurant has invested in more vegetarian options on the Christmas tables.

"Meat is the climate, we need to move in a direction towards more vegetarian food. I'm not saying that everyone needs to eat vegetarian sausages, but we want to arouse the curiosity of our guests about these products," says Johan Udén.