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A new study shows that long sitting time in childhood to adulthood causes excess body fat and in the abdomen, but light physical activity may completely reverse the harmful process.

The study reports that more than 80% of adolescents in the world do not achieve the World Health Organization's recommended average of 60 minutes a day of physical activity.

The study was conducted in collaboration with the Universities of Bristol and Exeter in the United Kingdom, the University of Colorado in the United States and the University of East Finland, and was published in the journal Nature Communications and involved 6059,<> children.

During follow-up, measures of increased sitting time, rate of light physical activity, moderate and vigorous physical activity, body fat mass, and skeletal muscle mass were collected.

The researchers examined glucose, insulin, cholesterol, blood pressure, heart rate and smoking monitoring.

The researchers noted that every minute a child or adolescent spent inactive is associated with a 1.3-gram increase in total body fat mass.

Conversely, every minute a child or adolescent spent on light physical activity during development between childhood and adulthood was associated with a 3.6-gram reduction in body fat mass.

Source : Qatar News Agency (QNA)