, Shanghai, December 12 (Reporter Fan Yubin) "The process of studying mathematics is like climbing a mountain, and I enjoy the process. Recently, Shen Weixiao, a newly elected member of the Democratic League of China, a member of the Democratic League, a chief professor of the Shanghai Mathematics Center of Fudan University and a professor of the School of Mathematical Sciences, said in an exclusive interview with a reporter from

Shen Weixiao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, was interviewed by a reporter from Chinanews at Fudan University. Photo by Fan Yubin

Which is more important, talent or interest? Shen Weixiao believes that both are important.

In 1975, Shen Weixiao was born in rural Anhui, he did not receive training in mathematics competitions, he won the first prize in the Anhui Division of the National Junior High School Mathematics League in junior high school, and the first prize in the Anhui Division of the National High School Mathematics League in high school.

"I have a certain talent in mathematics, but talent alone is useless, and hard work is extremely important." He received his Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from the University of Tokyo in 2001 and has since worked in universities in the United Kingdom, China, and Singapore, before joining Fudan University in 2015.

Shen Weixiao has long been engaged in the research of dynamical system theory in basic mathematics. He said that the system will change over time, and the error will gradually increase, which is a prediction of probability. Weather forecasting is a typical example of powertrain research.

Today, Shen Weixiao has become one of the world's leading scholars in the field of power system research. The real Fatou conjecture he and his collaborators proved was hailed by Fields Medalist Smale as "one of the most important mathematical problems of the 21st century". He has also successfully solved the problem of the dimensionality of Weierstras-type functions that has plagued many powertrain experts for many years.

In 2009, Shen Weixiao was awarded the Chern Prize in Mathematics as the youngest laureate and was invited to give a talk at the 2014 International Congress of Mathematicians. He has published 9 papers in the internationally recognized "Top Four Mathematics Journals". In November this year, he was newly elected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Shen Weixiao consults materials in the library of Shanghai Mathematics Center of Fudan University. Photo by Fan Yubin

In Shen Weixiao's view, he is just a traditional mathematician and a math teacher.

Because of his love of laughter and the homonym of his name, Shen Weixiao's students like to call him "Teacher Smiling". He is a "good teacher in the mind" of his students, and his board book is called "a sight in the math classroom" by students.

"I like to write board books in class, just to let students think along with them, and teach students the thinking of learning Xi mathematics." Shen Weixiao said, "Thinking is more important than receiving knowledge, I like to turn the Xi class into a discussion class, let students deduce and explain in front of the blackboard, because standing on the podium alone is a process of thinking and organizing." ”

Walking into Shen Weixiao's office, the reporter saw a large blackboard, which was often full of calculation formulas and mathematical symbols. Shen Weixiao told reporters that standing in front of the blackboard, his thinking is more active and he can organize his thoughts at any time.

Shen Weixiao is instructing students. Photo by Fan Yubin

"Most of the time, mathematical research is relatively boring, with a lot of information to consult and a lot of complex calculations." Shen Weixiao said frankly, "Some problems may not be solved for many years, but I always have to find a 'way up the mountain', and every time I solve a problem, it is like climbing to the top of a mountain, which gives me a sense of accomplishment." ”

The results of mathematical research have their uncertainties, and Shen Weixiao believes that "to study mathematics, we must calm down, and we must not give up at will on a identified problem, but at least try all possible methods." ”

Shen Weixiao communicates with students. Photo by Fan Yubin

Shen Weixiao said that as a university teacher, cultivating talents is a definite path to contribute to society. The development of mathematics also needs more young talents. To this end, Shen Weixiao attaches great importance to the opportunity to communicate with students and patiently answers students' doubts.

In the interview, he sent a message to young students: "You must try to find what you like and are good at, put yourself into it, and don't look ahead, only in this way will you have the best results." ”

Shen Weixiao likes to set challenging topics for his graduate students. In his view, "everyone's ability is high and low, but if you have the right direction, you should strive to do your best, at least to tap your full potential." ”

Shen Weixiao answers questions from students in the office. Photo by Fan Yubin

In addition, Shen Weixiao does not agree with the argument of "cultivating students' interest in mathematics". "Not everybody is going to study math. At the same time, learning mathematics should not be plucked out and promoted, otherwise it will be counterproductive. He believes that the most important thing in mathematics is to cultivate people's thinking ability and make people think more carefully.

As a member of the Democratic League, Shen Weixiao said, "The Democratic League has a large number of talents, and mathematicians Su Buqing, Hua Luogeng, Gu Chaohao, etc. are all members of the Democratic League. By joining the NLD, I can get in touch with more elites in the education and scientific circles, learn a lot from them, and have more opportunities to participate in research, lectures and other activities organized by the NLD, so as to better display my talents and participate in politics. ”

"With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, it will be a huge challenge for mathematicians." Talking about the future, Shen Weixiao said, "It is not clear whether artificial intelligence can solve important problems in mathematics, and I am ready to take some time to understand the relationship between artificial intelligence and mathematics." After becoming an academician, these questions are even more important for me to think about. (ENDS)