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Al Jazeera obtained a painful testimony from paramedic Wafaa Al-Bass, about the violations committed by the occupation army during its siege and storming of Kamal Adwan Hospital in Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip over the past days.

Albus said that medical staff lost the lives of many of the injured as a result of health complications and bleeding, as the medical team was unable to provide treatment as a result of the Israeli army besieging them and preventing them from moving.

The footage shows the hospital's departments, where patients, displaced people and medical staff lived through extremely difficult days as a result of the siege and intensive shelling with shells and rockets.

The effects of destruction after the occupation army stormed Kamal Adwan Hospital and the surrounding displaced people tented (Reuters)

The paramedic confirmed the death of a number of displaced people and injured as a result of hunger and the spread of diseases and epidemics, noting that the Israeli army bulldozers ate the bodies of the victims in the hospital yard.

The medical teams were interrogated by Israeli soldiers, asking them if there were Israeli detainees in the hospital, and the soldiers fired sniffer dogs at patients and medical staff.

Al-Bes reported that the Israeli army had arrested doctors and paramedics from Kamal Adwan Hospital.

Speaking about the tragic conditions they lived, she said that the medical teams were able to save the lives of many patients and provide treatment, but the occupation did not allow it.

The army sat the displaced in the hospital yard and demanded that they take out "any weapons in their possession" and there were no weapons, she said, noting that the photo published by the army of gunmen in the hospital was false.

During the days of siege and storming of the hospital, displaced people, patients and medical staff suffered from shortages of water, food, medical supplies and electricity.

Kamal Adwan Hospital currently has critically injured people who need to be referred to intensive medical care, otherwise they could lose their lives, al-Bass said.

The withdrawal of the occupation forces on Saturday from Kamal Adwan Hospital showed the magnitude of the humanitarian disaster it caused.

Source : Al Jazeera