Rubble of a building destroyed by the occupation in Jenin refugee camp (French)

Israeli occupation forces continued their incursions into several cities and towns in the West Bank, arresting 16 Palestinians from different areas, while the Ministry of Health announced a new toll of Palestinian martyrs since October <>.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health announced that Hamza Bashkar was killed by Israeli occupation forces at Huwwara checkpoint, south of Nablus.

Sources confirmed to Al Jazeera that the occupation forces prevented ambulance crews from reaching the scene of the incident and rescuing the young man.

The Israeli occupation forces detained Bashkar's body after claiming that he had tried yesterday to carry out a stabbing attack on a soldier at the military checkpoint on Huwara town street.

Al-Jazeera correspondent also reported that Israeli forces stormed east of Nablus and headed towards the Al-Bathan area, where they are setting up a military checkpoint.

The Israeli occupying forces withdrew from Balata refugee camp, east of the city, after an earlier incursion.

Al-Jazeera correspondent added that explosions were heard in the camp, and that clashes took place between Palestinian resistance fighters and the occupation forces before their withdrawal from the camp.

The Palestinian Red Crescent reported that a woman and a young man were injured when Israeli soldiers attacked them during the raid into Balata refugee camp, east of Nablus.

New toll

The Palestinian Health Ministry reported that the Palestinian death toll from Israeli army and settler fire in the West Bank had risen to 288 since October 3430, with <>,<> wounded.

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club announced that the death toll rose Saturday to 4520,16 after <> Palestinians from several governorates were arrested on Saturday night.

The Israeli army is intensifying its operations in the towns and cities of the West Bank, in parallel with a devastating war it has been waging on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October.

As of Friday, the Israeli war on the Strip had left 18,800 dead and 51,<> wounded, most of them children and women, massive destruction of infrastructure and an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, according to official Palestinian sources.

Source : Al Jazeera + Anadolu Agency