New drama in the Mediterranean. At least 61 migrants are missing and presumed dead after their makeshift boat sank off the coast of Libya, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) office in Libya told AFP.

"A large number of migrants, about 61, are presumed to have perished due to strong waves," which submerged their boat "which left Zuwara, in northwestern Libya, with 86 migrants on board," according to the same source.

The majority are nationals of Nigeria, Gambia and other African countries, and among the victims "are children and women", it added.

A total of 25 people were rescued and transferred to a Libyan detention centre in Tariq Al Sekka, near Tripoli.

"An IOM team was able to provide medical support and they are all in good health," according to the same source.

"More than 2,250 people have lost their lives in the Central Mediterranean this year," IOM spokesperson for the Mediterranean Flavio Di Giacomo said on X (formerly Twitter), noting the heavy toll of yet another shipwreck.

Un naufragio al largo della Libia ha provocato 61 dispersi. I #migranti erano partiti in 86 da Zwara.

Sono oltre 2250 le persone che hanno perso la vita nel Med. Centrale quest'anno. Un numero drammatico che purtroppo dimostra che non si fa abbastanza per salvare vite in mare.

— Flavio Di Giacomo (@fladig) December 16, 2023

"This dramatic figure shows that unfortunately not enough is being done to save lives at sea," he added.

Read also"We're going to go from drama to drama": in the Channel, migrants are taking more and more risks

Libya and Tunisia are the two main departure points in the central Mediterranean for migrants trying to reach Europe by disembarking illegally on Italian shores.

According to the latest figures from the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) as of 10 December, more than 153,000 migrants have arrived in Italy this year from Tunisia and Libya.

With AFP

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