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Israel's Channel 12 says 20 soldiers have been killed in the battles of Shujaiya east of Gaza City over the past week.

Israeli media reported that a helicopter carrying wounded soldiers landed at a soccer field near Jerusalem's Shaare Tzedek hospital.

On Wednesday, the Israeli occupation army announced the killing of 10 officers and soldiers - including two battalion commanders - and the injury of 21 of its soldiers in the battles that took place in Gaza within 24 hours, and the Israeli army announced on Thursday the death of another officer from the armored corps in battles in southern Gaza.

Earlier, Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said that the occupation forces killed in the Shejaiya neighborhood - on Friday morning - by mistake 3 Israelis who were detained on October 7 last year when they believed that they were Palestinian gunmen, after they tried to escape from captivity, he said.

Following the IDF's announcement of the death of the three prisoners, the families of Israeli detainees in Gaza demonstrated in front of the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, with protesters raising slogans demanding that priority be given to the immediate return of the prisoners alive in an exchange deal at any cost.

Abu Obeida, a military spokesman for the al-Qassam Brigades, said that in the past five days, al-Qassam fighters were able to target more than 100 Israeli military vehicles, carry out many tight ambushes against Israeli forces on foot and inflict a large number of deaths and injuries in their ranks.

Abu Obeida also confirmed that the Qassam fighters monitored the use of mercenaries by the Israeli occupation army during its operation, which it claims is an existential war, adding that the Qassam fighters are still on the trigger and lurking with the enemy everywhere.

According to Israeli sources, since the start of the aggression on Gaza on October 7, 445 Israeli soldiers and officers have been killed, including 115 since the ground incursion into the Gaza Strip two months ago, including 4 colonels.

Source : Al Jazeera