The Mossos d'Esquadra are investigating the creation of a WhatsApp group in which pornographic content was shown and which included some 400 minors, most of them secondary school students from the Barcelona town of Sant Cugat del Vallès, sources from the regional police have confirmed to EFE.

The investigation has been opened after receiving a complaint a few days ago from the father of a minor about the existence of this WhatsApp group and now it is trying to determine the origin of the videos, according to the same sources.

The group functioned with invitations to join it through a link that the students passed to each other and that allowed them to watch the pornographic videos, with a "very hard" content.

The Catalan police have asked the parents of the minors who have been integrated into the group not to destroy the messages received on the mobile phone as knowing the content could facilitate the investigation.

In the group there were mostly ESO students, between 11 and 16 years old, from three schools in Sant Cugat, although apparently some students from fifth and sixth grade Primary were also included.

The Mossos do not rule out that in the coming days, and as the investigation progresses, they will receive new complaints about this case, both from parents and from the children's schools.

Speaking to RAC1, the Minister of Education of the Generalitat, Anna Simó, has assured that the schools in Sant Cugat del Vallès to which the students introduced in the WhatsApp group belong have reacted "very quickly" and have alerted parents.

Simó pointed out that a few days ago a similar case of pornography distribution among schoolchildren, including Catalan minors, was detected in Madrid.

The affected schools have contacted parents to offer their support in managing the situation, according to the minister.