Israeli navy in Red Sea off Eilat (Reuters)

The military spokesman for the Ansar Allah Houthi group in Yemen, Yahya Al-Saree, announced that the group's fighters targeted the city of Eilat on the Red Sea with drones on Saturday, as part of pressure on Israel to stop its aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The air force "carried out a military operation on sensitive targets in the um al-Rashrash (Eilat) area in southern occupied Palestine with a large batch of drones", Saree said.

He added that their forces "will continue their operations against the Zionist entity until it stops its aggression on Gaza."

It was not immediately clear what locations were targeted or how much the losses were.

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said today that his navy's HMS Diamond warship shot down a suspected attack drone targeting commercial cargo ships in the Red Sea.

Shapps added that the target was successfully destroyed using a C Viper missile.

This is the first time that the British navy has used the "Sea Viper" missile in combat, which reaches a speed of 3 times the speed of sound, according to the same source.

At the same time, Egyptian media reported that a flying object fell off Egyptian territorial waters in the city of Dahab, located on the Gulf of Aqaba, without indicating its nature.

Local reports said Egyptian air defenses spotted the flying object and dealt with it immediately.

Axios reported that ship traffic to Israel's port of Eilat had been almost completely halted due to Houthi attacks, while Maersk, one of the world's largest container shipping companies, announced it was temporarily halting all operations across the Red Sea.

This comes within the framework of the Houthis' response to the continued Israeli aggression on Gaza, which led to the death of about 19,<> Palestinians, most of them women and children.

The group has previously attacked Israeli ships, taking some to Yemeni ports.

The group later announced a strategy to prevent cargo ships from reaching Israel regardless of the nationality of the ship and who operates it.

The Houthi group stressed that these measures should continue until Israel allows food and medicine to enter the Gaza Strip.

Source: Agencies