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Video duration 16 minutes 58 seconds 16:58

Osama Hamdan, a leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said that the movement will not release Israeli prisoners unless the war stops and accepts the conditions of resistance.

Hamdan stressed, during a press conference from Beirut, that Israel's political and military leadership throws its forces into Gaza knowing that it will not win, and that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his army commanders do not care about the lives of their soldiers and officers.

He added that Israel's account of the killing of the three detainees by its forces "shows that they are moving from failure to failure in Gaza."

Hamdan showed a video of the shelling operations in which the occupation army killed a number of prisoners and detainees in Gaza. He reiterated that the recovery of Israeli prisoners alive "will only be achieved by stopping the aggression, entering into a negotiating deal and accepting the conditions of the resistance."

Sadistic massacre

He said that the occupation bulldozers buried dozens of displaced and wounded alive in Kamal Adwan Hospital, stressing that what happened "was a massacre that reveals the extent of the occupier's sadism and brutality, which exceeded all Nazi crimes by stages."

"The steadfastness of our people and the valor of our resistance and its victories force many countries of the world to change their positions, and push many politicians away from Israel's narrative stained with the blood of innocent people," he said.

Regarding the US position, Hamdan said that it had "changed verbally" and that the movement still looks at it with suspicion and we do not trust it, "because it is a position stemming from an electoral crisis that may cost President Joe Biden his exit from the White House."

"If they (the Americans) wanted to stop the war, they would have stopped it and would not have used their veto power in the Security Council against every resolution to stop the aggression," he said, stressing that "Biden and his administration are still involved in the aggression."

Hamdan called on European countries to pressure Washington to stop the systematic war on Gaza, saying that 45% of the martyrs in the southern Gaza Strip are displaced.

"These numbers belie the occupation's claims that there are safe zones and confirm that its calls to move to the south in search of security were nothing but a trap to commit more massacres against civilians," Hamdan said.

The Hamas leader stressed that "there is no safe place in Gaza as claimed by the occupation and the Biden administration hesitated behind it, because all residents are threatened with death with American weapons."

Gazans are waiting a lot

Hamdan addressed the Arab and Islamic nations and the "free people of the world", saying that 85% of the population of the Gaza Strip are displaced and that more than 70% of them are refugees since the occupation of 1948, stressing that they lack the most basic necessities of life such as water, medicine and food.

Hamdan said that all of them are "at risk of death by US weapons or because of the blockade and international inaction," stressing that the people of Gaza "are waiting for many Arab and Islamic nations, especially the committee emanating from the Riyadh summit, which must assume its responsibilities in breaking the siege and bringing aid and fuel to all residents of the Strip."

He also said that the residents of the Gaza Strip are waiting for many international institutions "that have shirked their role and acquiesced to the conditions of the occupation despite the tragedy people are experiencing".

Israel's insistence on killing journalists in Gaza "reveals its pain from those who convey its truth to the world and refute its false narrative, whether in the past or after the Al-Aqsa flood operation", he said.

He said that the resistance also hurts the occupation "because it does not harm those who failed it and continues to send Israeli soldiers to cemeteries and physical and psychological treatment centers," stressing that the war "exposed Israel and its army, which can be defeated and collapsed, and also exposes Israel's supporters who pour lava over the heads of children."

Source : Al Jazeera