"I ended my state visit to Vietnam yesterday and came directly to Guangxi for investigation and research. Building a strategically significant China-Vietnam community with a shared future will be more conducive to Guangxi's opening up and development, and the future of Guangxi will be bright. On the morning of December 12, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected Panlong Community in Liangqing District, Nanning, Guangxi, he talked to the people of all ethnic groups in the community about the timing and considerations of this trip to Guangxi.

Following the inspection in Nanning, what did the general secretary focus on in the afternoon of the guest investigation? When listening to the work report of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Party Committee and Government on the 15th, what important strategic arrangements did the general secretary make? "Current Affairs News Eye" will be interpreted for you.

Video: Xi Jinping stressed during his inspection in Guangxi to emancipate the mind, innovate and seek change, open up and develop to the sea, and strive to write a chapter of Chinese-style modernization in Guangxi Source: CCTV


"Guizihao" to get rich "honey" party

In December, the average daily temperature in Guangxi is about 12°C. The 20-meter-tall sugar cane enjoys the warmth and humidity of the green waves. This is the main sugar producing area in China, and the "tall" and "dark-skinned" sugarcane has become the "honey" recipe for the local people to get rich.

On the afternoon of the 14th, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special trip to the guests for inspection. He successively came to the Huang'an high-quality "double-high" sugar cane base and Dongtang Phoenix Co., Ltd. in Laibin National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park to learn about the breeding of sugarcane varieties, planting and harvest, and the development of the sugar industry.

Guangxi guests. (Photo by CCTV reporter Fan Kai)

Whether the industrial development is good or not, we must first look at the source. In the sugarcane base, the general secretary inspected the harvesting scene of 10,000 acres of sugarcane forests and mechanized operations, and listened to the introduction of the base.

Laibin National Modern Agricultural Industrial Park is mainly located in Fenghuang Town, Xingbin District, with high-quality, high-sugar and high-yield sugar cane as the leading industry, and is the first batch of national modern agricultural industrial parks in the country, the first national modern agricultural science and technology park in Guangxi, and the national demonstration park for the integrated development of rural industries.

Overlooking the sugarcane base. (Photo by CCTV reporter Guo Hong)

Relying on the national regional sugarcane breeding base in the park, Laibin City took the lead in implementing the model of improved seeds, scale, water conservancy and mechanization in Huang'an Village, Niujiao Village Committee, Fenghuang Town, and built the first 2,5 mu "double high" sugar cane base in Laibin, which led to the increase of income and prosperity of 2022,1 sugarcane farmers. In 5, the per capita income from sugarcane planting in the village will reach 1000,<> yuan, and more than <>,<> people will achieve a stable income.

The general secretary walked into the sugarcane forest to learn more about the technical essentials of sugarcane breeding, and had cordial exchanges with sugarcan farmers, agricultural mechanics and agricultural technicians. He wished the villagers that their lives would be as sweet as sugar cane.

Guangxi guest sugarcane forest. (Photo by CCTV reporter Yang Bo)

After looking at the source of raw materials of the industry, we will look at the processing and utilization of the industry.

The general secretary then came to Laibin Dongtang Phoenix Co., Ltd. for inspection. The company is located in Fenghuang Industrial Park, Laibin City, founded in 1989, with more than 400 employees, including 85 professional and technical personnel.

Laibin East Sugar Phoenix Co., Ltd. (Photo by reporter Shen Qing of the main station)

The general secretary entered the production workshop to inspect the sugar production process and operation process, and learned about the types of sugar products, market share and development trends in the company's exhibition hall.

After continuous technological transformation, the company's daily crushing capacity has increased from the initial 1000,1 tons to the current 2,11 tons, an increase of more than ten times, with an annual output of 7,17 tons of white sugar. The first-class white sugar produced here has been awarded the "National Product Quality Excellence Award" for <> consecutive years.

Sugarcane deep-processed products. (Photo by CCTV reporter Shi Cheng)

When leaving the company, the general secretary said to the employees who came to see off that sugar is an important non-staple food, and everyone worked hard to send "sweetness" to thousands of households. I hope that everyone will continue to learn Xi new technologies, adopt new processes, and make new contributions to the development of the sugar industry.

Sugarcane raw material parking area in Laibin East Sugar Phoenix Co., Ltd. (Photo by CCTV reporter Fan Kai)


"Emancipate the mind, innovate and change"

On the morning of the 15th, General Secretary Xi Jinping listened to the work report of the party committee and government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in Nanning and delivered an important speech. In his speech, the general secretary emphasized "emancipating the mind, innovating and seeking change, and developing towards a strong and open development to the sea". These 16 words are important keywords to understand the Guangxi investigation.

Let's first look at "emancipating the mind, innovating and changing".

Two months ago, when the general secretary inspected Jiangxi, he stressed: "Emancipate the mind, forge ahead in a pioneering spirit, make use of our strong points to make up for our weaknesses, and consolidate the foundation and rejuvenate the new." The emphasis on "emancipating the mind, innovating and changing" in Guangxi this time is not only for the requirements of Guangxi, but also for the overall situation of the country.

Sugarcane deep processing industry chain and product display. (Photo by CCTV reporter Zhong Rui)

From the perspective of Guangxi, as a strategically important border ethnic region, the general secretary has always paid close attention to the high-quality development of Guangxi.

In April 2021, when the general secretary visited Guangxi for the last time, he put forward the "four new" requirements, and the first one was to "break a new path in promoting the high-quality development of border ethnic areas".

In October last year, when the general secretary participated in the discussion of the Guangxi delegation to the 10th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he emphasized the "five greater", the first of which is to "show greater achievements in promoting the high-quality development of border ethnic areas".

During this inspection, the general secretary once again emphasized this "greater achievement" and made specific arrangements. He pointed out that to promote the high-quality development of Guangxi, it is necessary to do a good job in strengthening the industry and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

The sugarcane forests of Guangxi guests are dense and shady. (Photo by CCTV reporter Zhong Feng)

Forest, fruits, vegetables, and livestock sugar are the characteristic resources of Guangxi. During the visit to the guests in Guangxi, the general secretary paid attention to this "sweet industry" and "guizihao" agricultural brand from the sugarcane field to the sugar factory. He pointed out that it is necessary to build a number of pillar industries that reflect Guangxi's characteristics and advantages, have a relatively large scale and a strong driving force. The general secretary also stressed that scientific and technological innovation should be placed in a more prominent position.

The Central Economic Work Conference held a few days ago deployed nine key tasks for next year's economic work, the first of which is to lead the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation. From central decision-making to local research, "emancipating the mind, innovating and changing" runs through it.

Laibin East Sugar Phoenix Co., Ltd. produces sucrose products. (Photo by CCTV reporter Yu Zhenyi)

The general secretary's emphasis on "emancipating the mind, innovating and seeking change" in Guangxi this time also contains important considerations for the overall situation.

The just-concluded Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the "five musts", including "we must take high-quality development as the last word in the new era", "we must take the promotion of Chinese-style modernization as the biggest politics", and also called for "focusing on the central task of economic construction and the primary task of high-quality development".

The meeting clearly pointed out that it is necessary to plan major measures to further deepen reform in an all-round way, and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and accelerating Chinese-style modernization. These important expositions and important arrangements are of great guiding significance for "emancipating the mind, innovating and changing".

"Made in Guangxi" product display. (Photo by CCTV reporter Zhao Hua)


"Towards the sea, open development"

Let's look at "strong and open development to the sea".

General Secretary Xi Jinping has always been thinking about Guangxi's development from the perspective of the overall situation, and also focusing on Guangxi's advantages to plan the national chess game.

When he went to Guangxi in 2017, the general secretary first went to Beihai City to learn about the ancient and modern ports. At the Han Dynasty Cultural Museum in Hepu County, the general secretary had a detailed understanding of the situation of Hepu Port in the Han Dynasty. He pointed out that the road to the sea is an important way for a country's development.

At the public wharf of Tieshan Port, the general secretary pointed out that port construction and port economy are very important to write a new chapter in the Maritime Silk Road.

Nanning, Guangxi. (Photo by CCTV reporter Fan Kai)

During the first two inspections in Guangxi, the general secretary demanded that Guangxi unleash the potential of the "sea," stimulate the vitality of the "river," do enough work on the "border," make every effort to implement the strategy of opening up to the outside world, and "vigorously develop the economy toward the sea."

This time in Guangxi, the general secretary learned on the spot about the construction of the China-ASEAN information port, and asked Guangxi to continue to expand its opening up to the outside world, make full use of the advantages of coastal areas and rivers, and vigorously develop the marine economy and port-based industries.

"Striving for a strong and open development" is Guangxi's opportunity and advantage, as well as Guangxi's responsibility and mission.

ASEAN-China Information Port. (Photo by CCTV reporter Zhao Hua)

The recent Central Economic Work Conference stressed the need to open wider to the outside world at a high level and put forward a series of measures. The meeting pointed out in the deployment of "promoting urban-rural integration and regional coordinated development" that it is necessary to vigorously develop the marine economy and build a maritime power.

In these aspects, Guangxi has a lot to offer. Take the Pinglu Canal, which started construction in Guangxi this year, as an example. With a total length of more than 130 kilometers, the canal flows from the main stream of the Xijiang River to the south and will become the most convenient water transport channel in southwest China. During this inspection in Guangxi, the general secretary pointed out that it is necessary to build the Pinglu Canal with high standards and high quality.

China-ASEAN Information Port Digital Economy Exhibition Center. (Photo by CCTV reporter Duan Dewen)

Guangxi is not only the frontier of opening up, but also a strategic hinterland.

The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out that it is necessary to optimize the distribution of major productive forces and strengthen the construction of the national strategic hinterland. During this inspection in Guangxi, the general secretary stressed the need to build Guangxi into an important strategic hinterland of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Guangxi should not only promote opening up to the outside world, but also deepen opening up to the outside world.

In this inspection, the general secretary is based on Guangxi, looks at the whole country, and connects China and foreign countries. He pointed out that Guangxi should actively serve the construction of a China-ASEAN community with a shared future. During the General Secretary's recent visit to Vietnam, China and Vietnam announced that they would jointly build a China-Vietnam community with a shared future of strategic significance. During his inspection tour in Guangxi, the general secretary pointed out an important implication that "it will be more conducive to Guangxi's opening up and development."

Panlong Community, Liangqing District, Nanning City, is a multi-ethnic community. (Photo by CCTV reporter Guo Hong)

During this inspection tour of Guangxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that Guangxi should take forging a strong sense of the Chinese national community as the main line of all work in the autonomous region and continue to walk in the forefront of national unity and progress. The general secretary also made clear arrangements and put forward clear requirements for adhering to and strengthening the party's overall leadership, comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, doing a good job in related work at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, and coping with the recent snowfall in Huanghuai and other places in North China.

Two years ago, during an inspection tour of the Guangxi Museum of Nationalities, the general secretary said, "Now all 56 ethnic groups in China have been lifted out of poverty, fulfilling our solemn promise." But we can't stop yet, and then we must move forward on a new journey towards the second centenary goal, and a nation can not be less, come on, work hard, and then go on a long march! ”

"Come on, work hard, and go on a long march!" This is the unchanging declaration of the Chinese Communists.

Producer丨Shen Yong

Author丨Gong Xuehui Liu Ruilin

Reporter丨Yu Zhenyi, Zhong Feng, Zhang Xiaopeng, Zhao Hua, Zhong Rui, Yang Bo, Fan Kai, Guo Hong, Shi Cheng, Liu Qi, Shen Qing, Yuan Peng

Vision丨Chen Kuo, Zhang Jing

Editor丨Wang Zun

(CCTV News Client)