Portz said the French were the largest group, after Americans, with dual nationals who participated in the Israeli army (French)

French lawmaker Thomas Portes says more than 4,<> French people are involved with the Israeli army, which is committing war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Portz cited a survey by Europe 1 that revealed that 4185,<> French soldiers are currently massed in the Israeli army on the front line in Gaza.

This is the largest division after the United States, and given the war crimes committed by the Israeli army in both Gaza and the West Bank, it is unacceptable for French citizens to participate.

Plus de 4000 français engagés dans l'armée israélienne qui commet des crimes de guerre à Gaza !

Une enquête réalisée par Europe 1 indique que 4.185 soldats de nationalité française sont actuellement mobilisés au sein de l'armée israélienne sur le front à Gaza. Il s'agit du... pic.twitter.com/zs5rMNO4kG

— Thomas Portes (@Portes_Thomas) December 16, 2023

He called on his Government to condemn such participation in war crimes with the greatest firmness and to bring to French justice persons with French nationality (including dual nationals) convicted of war crimes.

While the United Nations warns of the dangers of genocide in which more than 17000,18 Palestinians have been killed (more than 700,<>), the participation of French citizens insults France, according to Ports.

According to a report by Al Jazeera Net, official statistics of Israeli companies and law firms specializing in issuing foreign passports for Israelis, indicate that more than one million Israeli Jews have dual citizenship and a foreign passport alongside the Israeli.

Besides half a million Israelis with European citizenship, there are nearly half a million more Israelis with additional foreign nationalities, half of them from the United States.

Source : Al Jazeera + Social Media