Families of prisoners have been demonstrating for more than two months to return their children (Reuters)

Families of Israeli prisoners in the Gaza Strip demonstrated in front of the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, and protesters raised slogans demanding that priority be given to the immediate return of detainees alive in an exchange deal at any cost, demanding that Benjamin Netanyahu's government "stop fighting and start negotiations" with the resistance to secure their release.

The protesters demanded that the War Administration Small Council act immediately and set a new direction for a prisoner exchange deal and the return of detainees.

The prisoners' families threatened to move their sit-in from Hostage Square to the entrance to the Defense Ministry if the war council did not announce a move to retrieve the detainees.

The families were widely critical of the members of the war council, saying at a press conference following the announcement that the Israeli army had killed three soldiers captured by the resistance yesterday that they had repeatedly warned that the war in Gaza was endangering the lives of detainees, that they were receiving their children one by one with coffins, that time was a critical factor and every minute affected the possibility of their recovery.

Prisoner Haim Perry's daughter Noam Perry said: "We only receive the bodies, we want you to stop the fighting and start negotiations."

Ruby Chen, father of Itai Chen, 19, said: "It's like Russian roulette, who will be the next to know about the death of a loved one? We want to know what the proposal is on the cabinet table."

"They told us at the beginning that the ground operation would bring back the kidnapped. Things are not going to be the case, because since then kidnapped people have returned but not all of them are alive, it is time to change that hypothesis."

Hamas Messages

Coinciding with these months-long demonstrations, Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said that the "enemy" is still gambling with the lives of its soldiers captured by the resistance, "without caring about the feelings of their families."

Abu Obeida accused the occupation army of having "deliberately executed 3 of them yesterday and preferred killing them to liberating them."

As part of the psychological warfare in which the Qassam Brigades outperformed the occupation army, the Qassam Brigades published a photo of the Israeli detainees in its custody and wrote on it in Arabic and Hebrew: "The choice is yours in coffins or alive."

In the same context, Hamas leader Osama Hamdan addressed the families of prisoners in the resistance, telling them, "Netanyahu's adventures may never bring your sons back alive, and whoever wants to bring back the captured soldiers alive must first stop the aggression completely, and then come to an exchange deal, according to the terms of the resistance."

Take responsibility

Meanwhile, the Israeli army announced the death of another detainee in Gaza and informed her family.

Army Radio reported that Anbar Hayman, one of the Israeli detainees in Gaza who was captured at a nature party in the settlement of Ra'im on October 7, had been killed.

In an attempt to absorb the rising wave of anger in Israeli society towards the army, the chief of staff of the occupation army said that he personally bears responsibility as the army commander for the killing of the three abductees in Gaza, and pledged to do everything necessary not to repeat it.

According to Israeli statistics, the Qassam Brigades managed in the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood to kill about 1200,239 Israelis, most of them soldiers, and captured about 7, dozens of whom exchanged during a humanitarian truce that lasted 1 days until December 7800 / December / current with the occupation, which arrests <>,<> Palestinians, including children and women.

Since then, the occupation army has launched a brutal aggression on Gaza, leaving 18,800 martyrs and 51,<> injured, most of them children and women, and massive destruction of infrastructure.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies