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Video duration 29 minutes 18 seconds 29:18

The killing of three Israeli prisoners in Gaza by Israeli soldiers is yet another failure for Israel to counter the attack of the Palestinian resistance on October 3, and according to experts and analysts, this incident reflects the confusion of the Israeli army leadership.

Army spokesman Daniel Hagari said on Friday that "during the fighting in Shujaiya (neighborhood), the army mistakenly identified 3 Israeli prisoners as posing a threat, as a result, the forces shot and killed them."

According to military and strategic expert Colonel Hatem Karim al-Falahi, the case of the killing of the three detainees reflects a real problem for the occupation army at the level of planning, implementation and management of military operations.

He said that this issue - and not the first for the Israeli army - indicates a very great confusion among the Israeli army leaders as a result of the fierce battles fought by its forces with the Palestinian resistance in the previous period, in addition to the large number of ambushes in which these forces occurred and the horror and fear that they felt in light of the large losses that made them anticipate everything and hit everything that moves.

In the same context, the Secretary-General of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, described the behavior of the occupation army as "despicable and immoral", and not new to it, as it has long been used with the Palestinians, they beat and insulted a disabled Palestinian youth and then shot him from zero distance, as well as shot Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh.

He recalled what the occupation did in the 1967 war, when it buried Egyptian prisoners after they surrendered, as well as part of the Jordanian soldiers, and concealed this crime, which was later revealed.

Barghouti added, speaking at the daily analytical vigil on Al Jazeera, "Gaza ... What's more?" - The killing of prisoners by the occupation army indicates its confusion and fear of the Palestinian resistance, as it loses the war by its inability to uproot the resistance and its inability to recover the detainees, as well as its control over areas, including northern Gaza. He said the occupation was facing a guerrilla war similar to what happened in Vietnam against the Americans.

Al-Qassam Brigades handing over the fourth batch of Israeli prisoners in Gaza

Israel's military and political leaders are facing a real predicament, and there are demonstrations in Tel Aviv that are cheering the fall of Netanyahu, who does not care about the lives of Israeli detainees.

On this predicament, Israeli affairs expert Ihab Jabarin says that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to flee forward and cling to the blood of prisoners and soldiers to save himself and his rule, pointing out that pressure is accumulating on him by the Israeli public, especially from the families of detainees, and from the US administration, which set a time limit for the war on the Gaza Strip, because it does not want to enter the upcoming elections in light of these conditions.

Endeavors to make a deal

According to Jabarin, Israel entered the war with two goals: breaking the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and repatriating the detainees, but what it achieved was that it killed the detainees and killed Palestinian civilians, and even failed to market its propaganda to give legitimacy to its war, the spokesman highlights.

Regarding the possibility of renewing efforts to conclude a deal between the Palestinian resistance and the occupation, military expert and strategist Karim Al-Falahi expected that this would happen, if losses continue in the ranks of the Israeli army, stressing that the current stage is decisive and severe for both parties, and the issue of profit and loss in wars is measured by achieving goals, and Israel has not achieved its goals, but it adds another failure to the failure of October 7, referring to the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood launched by the resistance against the occupation.

Israeli affairs expert Jabarin said that amid the IDF's losses and failure to recover detainees held by the Palestinian resistance, the Israeli street will press for a deal now with the Palestinians.

Source : Al Jazeera