Alexander Antonsson from Stockholm attended an intensive training course in Vilhelmina in eight days, which requires good driving experience beforehand.

"It's been very effective," says Alexander Antonsson.

He was one of three Stockholmers who participated in the autumn courses. In January, two others will come up to take the course.

"It happens that groups of friends show up or that someone comes alone from Stockholm or other places," says Andreas Pettersson, driving instructor at Vilhelmina driving school.

I think it's easier

Norrskenet's driving school in Lycksele has also seen how intensive courses have attracted students from both Malmö and Gothenburg over the years.

"Some people think it's easier to get a driver's license up here. It's easier to get a full training course in a few weeks," says Frida Steigert, driving instructor in Lycksele.

Is it easier?

"It depends. There are difficulties up here that they didn't anticipate. There is a different pace in the traffic and more adaptation to the road conditions," says Frida Steigert.

Driving Schools Advertise in Big Cities

The Swedish Transport Administration has seen this phenomenon for a long time. Many driving schools market themselves in big cities and there is also a tougher booking situation in the big cities.

"This is nothing new under the sun. You have the right to get your driving licence wherever you want, Sofia Lindahl, Head of Communications at the Swedish Transport Administration.

Is there any risk of not being prepared for big city traffic?

"It doesn't matter where you get your driver's license. These are quality-assured tests and the same type of tests that are done regardless of where you drive up," says Sofia Lindahl and continues:

"The driving test tests different elements of traffic. It can be tested in any environment. It is determined whether the driver is safe on the road and has a consequential mindset.