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Video duration 01 minutes 16 seconds 01:16

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), broadcast a video entitled "Time is running out", in which it published pictures of prisoners killed in the raids launched by the occupation army on the Gaza Strip.

The publication of the short video of one minute and 20 seconds coincided with the Israeli army's announcement yesterday that 3 captured soldiers were killed by Israeli bullets in Al-Shujaiya neighborhood.

Abu Obeida, a military spokesman for the brigades, said after the video was published that "the enemy is still gambling with the lives of its soldiers captured by the resistance, ignoring the feelings of their families."

"Yesterday, the enemy deliberately executed three of its soldiers and preferred to kill them over their liberation, which is a criminal behaviour it has practiced and continues to practice against its prisoners," he said.

"The enemy is desperately trying to get rid of the burden of the prisoners' file and its entitlements, which it knows well," Abu Obeida said.

Brigadier General and military expert Hatem Karim al-Falahi had questioned in an article with Al Jazeera the occupation army's account regarding the prisoners killed by the occupation army, and explained that the Qassam Brigades may have a different version of what happened.

Al Jazeera correspondent reported that the occupation army rushed to announce the killing incident in anticipation of a different narrative among the Qassam Brigades and may embarrass the army if the battalions reveal what they have about the incident.

Source : Al Jazeera