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On the 66th day of the devastating Israeli war on Gaza, December 11, 2023, there was talk of truce proposals to stop the aggression on the Gaza Strip and conclude a new prisoner exchange deal.

Amid the escalation of battles between the resistance and the occupation forces on several axes and Israel's admission of 7 new casualties among its forces, the Israeli army continued to commit new massacres against civilians, leaving 208 martyrs and raising the number of martyrs since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza to 18205,<>.

The Israeli occupation forces bombed the family home of fellow Al-Jazeera journalist Anas Al-Sharif in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, killing his father.

While the escalation in the occupied West Bank continued with new incursions and confrontations, the Israeli army and Hezbollah exchanged shelling across the border.

Heading for a truces and an exchange deal

Israel's Channel 13 quoted an Israeli source as saying that conditions have ripe for a return to consensus on a new prisoner exchange deal.

Israel's Channel 12 also quoted Israeli sources as saying that there were new moves to conclude a prisoner exchange deal.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant said that if the IDF exerted more pressure, there would be proposals for a new truces that the government would consider.

He added that Israel was open to exploring all possibilities regarding the future of the Gaza Strip, but that Hamas would have no role in that.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would be "solely responsible for security in Gaza after the war, and solely responsible for the demilitarization of Gaza."

John Kirby, the US National Security Council's strategic policy coordinator, said a new truce was important for the release of detainees in the Gaza Strip.

On the sidelines of a ministerial meeting in Brussels, four EU countries called for a truce in Gaza to stop what they called a "massacre."

The leaders of Ireland, Spain, Malta and Belgium said in a letter to European Council President Charles Michel that they should immediately call on all parties to declare a humanitarian truce leading to a cessation of hostilities.

Israeli Resistance and Losses

On the ground, the confrontations between the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation army are concentrated in the axes of Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip, as well as in the Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza City, in addition to the fighting axes east of Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip. IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy announced that his forces are working to deepen their military operation in the northern and southern Gaza Strip.

Al Jazeera has obtained photographs of the battles of the al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas and the Israeli army, in the eastern Gaza neighborhood of Shujaiya. The al-Qassam Brigades broadcast images of mortar divisions shelling IDF gatherings in the incursion axes.

In turn, the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, broadcast footage that it said was targeting Israeli vehicles in the axes of progress in eastern Gaza.

On the other hand, the Israeli occupation army published on the X website, videos that it said were an airdrop of supplies and equipment for the Israeli forces in Khan Yunis. The IDF spokesman added that it was the first such landing operation since the 2006 Lebanon war and included seven tons of logistical items for the 7th Division, which is engaged in ground battles there.

Al Jazeera obtained satellite imagery taken yesterday, December 10, showing the movement of the Israeli army's incursion into northern Gaza. The photos show the gathering of Israeli army vehicles in the northwest of the city on Al-Rashid Street, and in Beit Lahia in the north of the city. The photographs also showed the incursion of a limited number of Israeli vehicles into the areas of Fallujah and Shejaiya. The photographs showed that the Israeli army had not surrounded Jabalia until Sunday.

Israel's Soroka hospital said it had received 27 wounded Israeli soldiers, 5 of them critically, in the past 24 hours. The Israeli army announced that the death toll since the start of the ground operation had risen to 110 after 7 of its soldiers and officers were killed in the past 24 hours. The Israeli army admitted that 5 of these deaths fell in an ambush with mines set up by the Qassam Brigades near the opening of a tunnel in Khan Yunis,
bringing the total number of Israeli army deaths to 434 since the Al-Aqsa flood operation on the seventh of last October.

New massacres and epidemics

In return for suffering losses in the face of the resistance strikes, the occupation army continued to commit a new massacre against civilians. The Ministry of Health in Gaza announced that 208 people were killed in the past hours in the Gaza Strip, and that a large number of victims are still under the rubble.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza indicated that the number of martyrs in the Strip rose to 18205,49645, while the number of wounded reached <>,<>.

Gaza's Ministry of Health has expressed fear for the lives of hundreds of thousands displaced by epidemics and infectious diseases in shelters.

This comes as schools, various shelters and hospitals are overwhelmed with tens of thousands of displaced people.

Al Jazeera journalist's family targeted

The Israeli army targeted the home of Al Jazeera journalist Anas al-Sharif in Jabalia, killing his father.

Journalist Anas al-Sharif said that he will continue to convey the suffering of Palestinians despite the martyrdom of his father as a result of the targeting of the family home in Jabalya camp, pointing out that the occupation does not want the image of its crimes to leave Gaza.

Anas al-Sharif, a journalist who works for Al Jazeera in northern Gaza, revealed about two weeks ago that he had received threats from Israeli officers to stop his coverage of the Israeli war on the Strip; he confirmed at the time that he would not respond to these threats and would continue his coverage as usual.

Al Jazeera Media Network condemned the Israeli army's targeting of the house of fellow journalist Anas Al-Sharif, in Jabalia camp on Monday, which led to the martyrdom of his father.
Al Jazeera confirmed in a statement that it will take appropriate legal measures before the competent authorities to hold those responsible for this crime accountable.

Al Jazeera pointed out that this targeting comes after a series of threats received by Al-Sharif since last November in an attempt to dissuade him from performing his work, and it also comes within a series of deliberate targeting of the families of the network's correspondents and workers in the Gaza Strip to pressure them with the aim of hiding the truth and hiding the crimes committed by the occupation army.

Escalation in the West Bank

In the West Bank, photos obtained by Al Jazeera showed the moment the Israeli occupation forces executed the young man Rami Al-Abboushi in the Fara'a camp in Tubas in the West Bank a few days ago. The photos show the Israeli occupation forces shooting Rami more than once, causing him to fall to the ground wounded, but they shot him again directly, which led to his death immediately.

The occupying forces raided the city of Ramallah, surrounded a residential building in the neighborhood of Tira and confiscated a vehicle before withdrawing from the scene. Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that more than 30 Israeli military vehicles raided the town of Beitunia, west of Ramallah, stormed the Beitunia boys' school and several homes and arrested 3 Palestinians, including a released prisoner and a military intelligence officer, before withdrawing from the town.

Israeli occupation forces and vehicles also raided areas in Bethlehem, Hebron and Jenin. The occupying forces raided the Kafr Saba neighborhood in Qalqilya, deployed infantry and sniper teams and surrounded a number of buildings and houses in the neighborhood.

In the town of Dura in Hebron, the Israeli occupation forces stormed an 8-storey building and the raid took more than 3 hours, during which the occupation detained a number of residents of the building before arresting the released prisoner Iyad Amr and taking him to an unknown destination, after beating and assaulting him, according to what his family told Al Jazeera.

South Lebanon Front

To the north, on the southern Lebanon front, Hezbollah announced that it had attacked four Israeli military positions off the Lebanese border. Hezbollah said its fighters attacked a gathering of Israeli soldiers in the vicinity of the Samaqa site, shelled the monk site with Burkan rockets and targeted the Branet barracks and the Hadab al-Bustan site.

The Civil Defense announced the death of an eighty-year-old citizen in an Israeli bombardment of the town of Taybeh in southern Lebanon. Israeli artillery also shelled the vicinity of several towns, including Habariya, Maroun al-Ras, Yaroun and Naqoura. Israeli fighter jets raided the Khallet Khazen area of Jabal al-Rayhan, while Hezbollah mourned two of its fighters.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that 8 rockets were fired towards the Israeli sites of Ramtha and Al-Samaqa in the occupied Kfar Shuba hills in southern Lebanon. The correspondent also reported that a number of rockets were fired from southern Lebanon towards Israeli military sites in the western Galilee, 8 of which Israel said were intercepted and two landed in an uninhabited area.

As Israeli artillery shelled outskirts of towns in southern Lebanon, Hezbollah mourned two of its fighters who were killed in clashes with Israeli forces. Reuters quoted Israel's defense minister as saying Israel was open to reaching a deal with Hezbollah if it included a safe zone on the border and guarantees.

White phosphorus

The Washington Post revealed that Israel used US white phosphorus shells in shelling of southern Lebanon last October, wounding at least nine civilians, according to an examination of the remnants of those shells.

For its part, the White House said – following the publication of the Washington Post report – that the United States is concerned about reports of Israel's use of white phosphorus.

But the Pentagon spokesman pointed out that the US Department of Defense cannot verify whether these missiles are American, noting that Washington has not provided Israel with white phosphorus shells since the seventh of last October.

Mass strike

On Monday, a comprehensive strike spread to several Arab and Islamic cities around the world to condemn the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

In previous days, activists on social media platforms have called for a comprehensive strike around the world in solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip in the face of the Israeli aggression.

The activists said the strike was aimed at pressuring governments to take serious action to stop the ongoing Israeli massacres and genocide in Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera