Alexis Delafontaine / Photo credit: Magali Cohen / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 10:10 a.m., December 10, 2023

The immigration bill arrives at the National Assembly on Monday. This was a decisive moment for Gérald Darmanin, as his text was likely to be strongly rejected. In order to hope to obtain a majority, the Minister of the Interior put pressure on the hesitant deputies, especially on the side of the Republicans.

The immigration bill arrives at the National Assembly on Monday. Gérald Darmanin is staking his political future on the text. The Minister of the Interior is making a lot of phone calls at the moment. He puts pressure on hesitant MPs.

>> ALSO READ – Immigration: the government's three options if the bill is rejected in the Assembly

Officially, Gérald Darmanin says he wants to "extend a hand" to the Republicans. But behind the scenes, the Minister of the Interior is much more offensive and is working to the body of the right-wing deputies to get his bill passed. "His office calls me every three days," said one Republican lawmaker. As Gérald Darmanin knows, there is a strong risk that his text will be rejected as early as Monday.

"If the motion passes, it's a disaster for the majority"

A motion to dismiss was tabled by almost all the oppositions. "If the motion is passed, it will be a disaster for the majority," said a Renaissance MP. Unsurprisingly, the left and the National Rally are expected to vote for it. So, once again, it is the Les Républicains group that will tip the balance.

On this point, Eric Ciotti is very clear. If Gérald Darmanin does not commit to toughening up the bill, then they will vote for this motion to reject.