Sébastien le Belzic / Photo credits: JACK GUEZ / AFP 06:41 a.m., November 29, 2023

On the sixth day of the truce between Israel and Hamas, a new Israeli hostage exchange is expected on Wednesday. But some hostages do not appear on the daily list provided by Hamas to the Israeli government since they are no longer in Hamas hands but held by other terrorist organizations or Palestinian individuals.

A new exchange of Israeli hostages for Palestinian prisoners is expected on Wednesday, the sixth day of the truce between Israel and Hamas. Beyond the bargain between Hamas terrorists, there is also the issue of the dispersal of Israeli hostages in the Gaza Strip, which is delaying releases. Not all of them are in the hands of Hamas, which complicates negotiations considerably.

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Hostages held in tunnels

Not all hostages were in the same place during their captivity. They were scattered all over the territory of Gaza. "Some were in an apartment, some were in tunnels. Some heard the bombings, others couldn't. So we can see that they were being held in different places. There are even Palestinians, private, I was going to say, who came, who took advantage of the presence of Hamas people and Hamas fighters, even Islamic Jihad, to get some back," said General Gomart, a former director of French military intelligence.

Three out of four Palestinians support Hamas massacres on October 7

The Israeli secret services even mention the presence of mafia groups that took advantage of the October 7 attacks to seize Israeli hostages whom they then sold to Hamas. The terror movement can also count on the support of some Palestinians. A poll conducted earlier this month by the Arab World Research and Development Group in the West Bank and Gaza Strip indicates that three out of four Palestinians support the massacres and hostage-taking committed by Hamas on October 7.