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Duration 04 minutes 44 seconds 04:44

A video clip in which Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared surrounded by heavily armed soldiers during a tour in which Israeli media said he inspected his army forces in the Gaza Strip sparked interaction on social media.

On Sunday, the temporary truce between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Israeli occupation entered its fourth day, and includes a cessation of all hostilities in all areas of the Gaza Strip, to provide humanitarian relief to the residents of Gaza and the exchange of prisoners.

Israeli media and accounts published a video in which Netanyahu appeared wearing a military helmet and bulletproof vest among his heavily armed soldiers, as part of what they said was an inspection tour of the army forces in Gaza, while his spokesman said he entered one of the Hamas tunnels that had been discovered, and received briefings on military operations.

While Israeli media reported that the visit took place on the third day of the temporary truce, the New York Times said that "it was not clear when Netanyahu visited the Gaza Strip or exactly where he visited."

But it said Netanyahu was likely to have visited areas controlled by the Israeli army in the northern Gaza Strip, adding that the Israeli government withheld information about the visit until Netanyahu left the Strip.

On the first such visit since the war began, the prime minister was accompanied by National Security Adviser Tzachi Hangvi, his military secretary Avi Gil and Deputy IDF Chief of Staff Amir Baram, officials said.

Politically Ended

Shabakat program (27/11/2023) monitored tweeters' comments on this visit, including what Anwar said: "Netanyahu could not visit his collapsed forces in Gaza except during the truce period.

Issa wrote, "Today, Netanyahu, yesterday his defense minister Galant, both visited the outskirts of Gaza at the time of the truce. I mean, when the shooting stopped. I mean, they entered it surreptitiously like thieves and it was a quick visit and shrouded in secrecy, they were wearing bulletproof vests, I mean, they were not (unassured), so do the occupiers."

Abbas Zuhri tweeted, "According to the course of events and after Netanyahu's visit to northern Gaza to prove that he (that) he reoccupied it, Hamas handed over the prisoners today in northern Gaza. I think (I think) after the truce, if Xi Hittir (leaves) Netanyahu from office in a round that will be stronger than the next (that) before."

In the same context, Mohammed wrote, "Netanyahu visited northern Gaza during the day under the cover of the truce, but he will go in the evening to head his military council to discuss extending the truce, he is still under the grip of Yahya Sinwar, of course the pictures were published after his return and not during the visit (a visit to steal and parade)."

Hamas' comment on the visit was not delayed, as the group's leader, Bassem Naim, said: "Netanyahu's surreptitiously entering the Gaza Strip to take propaganda photos is not considered a scene of strength, but rather a break."

Netanyahu's trip to Gaza came a day after Defense Minister Yoav Galant visited the Strip by sea with navy commander Navy Lieutenant General David Sa'ar Salameh, and Galant said during his visit that the army would not leave Gaza until all hostages were returned.

Source : Al Jazeera