Israel has arrested 3260,<> Palestinians in the West Bank since October <> (Reuters)

The Palestinian Prisoners' Club said on Monday that the Israeli occupation army arrested 3 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank during 260 days of the temporary truce with the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip.

Amani Sarahneh, media officer at the (non-governmental) Prisoners' Club, told Anadolu Agency that during the four days of the humanitarian truce, the Israeli occupation authorities carried out a campaign of arrests in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, affecting 260 Palestinians.

She pointed out that this comes as part of a campaign of raids on Palestinian cities and towns, accompanied by acts of vandalism and attacks on detainees and their families.

Urgent | Palestinian Prisoners' Club: Israeli occupation forces arrested 60 Palestinians overnight in the West Bank, including former prisoners

— Al Jazeera Palestine (@AJA_Palestine) November 27, 2023

According to Sarahneh, since October 3260, Israel has arrested <>,<> Palestinians in the West Bank.

She pointed out that detainees are interrogated by Israeli intelligence officers, some of whom are released hours or days later or transferred to administrative detention (without charge), or trial.

On a daily basis, the Israeli army carries out raids on villages and towns throughout the West Bank, accompanied by confrontations, arrests, shooting and tear gas canisters against Palestinians.

These confrontations escalated on the impact of a devastating war waged by the Israeli occupation army on the Gaza Strip since the seventh of last October, which left massive destruction in infrastructure and tens of thousands of martyrs and wounded civilians, most of them children and women, in addition to an unprecedented humanitarian disaster.

On November 24, Israel and Palestinian factions entered into a four-day humanitarian truce agreement in the Gaza Strip that ends on Monday, but is extendable.

The agreement included the exchange of 50 Israeli prisoners of women and children detained in the Gaza Strip in the first phase, in exchange for the release of a number of Palestinian women and children held in Israeli prisons.

Source : Al Jazeera + Anadolu Agency