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Video duration 13 minutes 17 seconds 13:17

Major General Fayez al-Duwairi, a military and strategic expert, said that the expulsion of two Israeli officers whose forces fled in front of the resistance in battles in the northern Gaza Strip shows the cowardice of the fighting element of the occupation army and its keenness on life.

During his military analysis of Al-Jazeera, Al-Duwairi denounced the withdrawal of a combat battalion commander and his deputy in light of this fire cover and unprecedented artillery support during the current war, noting that the incident clearly shows the difference between a fighter who is a student of martyrdom and a soldier keen on life.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported that the army expelled the commander of a combat battalion and his deputy after they retreated in front of an ambush of fighters of the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), during the ground battles in the northern Gaza Strip.

"If this fire cover had been provided to the Qassam Brigades fighters, they would have reached Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem, not the settlements surrounding Gaza," al-Duwairi said.

Regarding the decision to dismiss the officer and his deputy, the military expert indicated that they made an unforgivable mistake that may encourage others to take the same step if they are maintained.

Some officers may have assessed an unsound situation while being too keen on life, he said, adding that they fled the battle because of fierce resistance, "but the argument is that there is no fire cover".

When talking about the battle, Al-Duwairi said, any forces on their right and left and in front of them are other forces, and in the event of the withdrawal of one of them, they create a vacuum area and may be used to attack the side units, and therefore what hurts the occupation army the most is the human losses and then military equipment.

The military expert said the launch of two ballistic missiles from areas controlled by the Houthi Ansar Allah group in Yemen towards a US naval destroyer in the Gulf of Aden was "a symbolic message that the missiles are weak in terms of accuracy".

The Houthis wanted to send a message to US forces not to approach Yemen's shores and territorial waters, with the threat of winged missiles in this case, he said.

It is noteworthy that the US Central Command, announced at dawn on Monday, the launch of two ballistic missiles from the Houthi areas towards the US destroyer and fell in the Gulf of Aden, 10 nautical miles away from the destroyer, without causing damage or injuries to the destroyer.

Source : Al Jazeera