The tension between the Community of Madrid and Moncloa continues. On the same day that the regional president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, made public the lawsuit before the Supreme Court, advanced by EL MUNDO, against the Tagus Hydrographic Plan, the inauguration of the AVE that will link the capital with Asturias from this Wednesday has opened a new gap as the popular leader was not invited.

From the entourage of the regional president they assure that it is a "personal veto" on the part of Moncloa and, therefore, the Community of Madrid "will never invite the Government" in its acts. "Blow by blow", say Sol sources, recovering the expression that Ayuso herself has used in recent weeks to refer to the relationship that will exist with the government of Pedro Sánchez during the current legislature.

The Ministry of Transport states that the presidents of the autonomous communities where the railway line is inaugurated are invited. "Here we inaugurate a section between Castilla y León and Asturias. When Ourense, Extremadura, Burgos or Murcia were inaugurated, the Community of Madrid was not there either, for example, because the sections to be inaugurated, even if the entire route is logically made, are not in the Community of Madrid", they point out in the department headed by Óscar Puente. "It's the same criteria as always," they add.

However, in the Puerta del Sol, Ayuso's non-invitation has been interpreted as an affront, even more so as a party colleague, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, from Castilla y León, was invited, along with their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain and the president of Asturias, Adrián Barbón. In the Community of Madrid they date back to the Zapatero era, where Esperanza Aguirre and Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, regional president and mayor of the capital, were present at the inaugurations of the AVE to Zaragoza, Valencia, Valladolid and Albacete.