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Display of People Abducted by Hamas to the Gaza Strip


On the fourth day of the ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, Hamas released a fourth group of hostages. According to the Israeli military, eleven Israeli citizens belong to it. According to Israeli media reports, they are nine children and two women. In return, 33 female and juvenile Palestinian prisoners are to be released.

According to reports by the Egyptian television channel Al-Cairo, in addition to the eleven Israeli hostages, six Thai citizens are to be released from Hamas captivity.

According to media reports, the eleven Israeli hostages are apparently all residents of Kibbutz Nir Oz. According to the report, 49 residents of Nir Oz would remain in the Gaza Strip as hostages after their release.

The president of the kibbutz, Osnat Peri, told the Haaretz newspaper: "There is great relief in the kibbutz tonight, but at the same time there is great concern for our loved ones who are still in Hamas captivity. We demand the return of all hostages, immediately and at any cost."

Earlier, it became known that the deal between Israel and Hamas would be extended by two days. According to the agreement, 20 more hostages are to be released from Hamas as part of a ceasefire and 60 Palestinians are to be released from Israeli prisons in exchange. In addition, other relief supplies such as food, medical supplies and fuel are to be supplied to the population in the Gaza Strip.

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