The Qatari government, which is in charge of mediation between Israel and the Islamic organization Hamas, announced on the 27th that it has agreed to extend the cessation of fighting in the Palestinian Gaza Strip for two days.
If the new agreement is followed, the cessation of hostilities will be extended to at least 2 days.

* We will update you on developments related to Israel and Palestine from time to time.

table of contents

  • Israeli forces '11 hostages released in Hamas custody'

  • UN Secretary-General Welcomes Extended Pause: 'Strong Commitment to Expanding Humanitarian Assistance'

  • U.S. White House Welcomes Announcement of Extension of Combat Halt

  • Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees to extend the fighting pause by two days

  • Hamas 'agrees to extend ceasefire' on the same terms as before

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • Israeli forces '11 hostages released in Hamas custody'

  • UN Secretary-General Welcomes Extended Pause: 'Strong Commitment to Expanding Humanitarian Assistance'

  • U.S. White House Welcomes Announcement of Extension of Combat Halt

  • Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees to extend the fighting pause by two days

  • Hamas 'agrees to extend ceasefire' on the same terms as before

Israeli forces '11 hostages released in Hamas custody'

The Israeli military announced on the 27th that 11 Israelis who were held hostage by Hamas, the Islamic organization that effectively controls the Gaza Strip in Palestine, have been released and handed over to the Red Cross.

Israel and Hamas suspended fighting for four days from the 24th of this month, and while Hamas released the hostages in stages, Israel also agreed to release the Palestinians who were imprisoned.

This brings the total number of hostages released by Hamas to 4, including foreign nationals, and 69 Palestinians released by Israel.

UN Secretary-General Welcomes Extended Pause: 'Strong Commitment to Expanding Humanitarian Assistance'

UN Secretary-General António Guterres welcomed the agreement to extend the cessation of hostilities in the Gaza Strip for two days, saying on the 2th, "We have seen a glimpse of hope and humanity in the darkness of war."

"We strongly hope that humanitarian assistance to the suffering people of the Gaza Strip will be further expanded, but even with the additional time, it will not be possible to meet the great needs of the people," he said, reiterating his recognition that a longer ceasefire is needed to improve the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. White House Welcomes Announcement of Extension of Combat Halt

Kirby, the US White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications, said at a press conference on the 27th, "We welcome the announcement that the fighting pause will be extended for two days, and we hope that the pause will be further extended, and it depends on whether Hamas continues to release the hostages."

Qatar's Ministry of Foreign Affairs agrees to extend the fighting pause by two days

A spokesperson for the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced in a post on social media on the 27th that the two sides had agreed to extend the cessation of fighting in the Gaza Strip for two days.

Israel and Hamas, which effectively controls the Gaza Strip, have agreed to suspend fighting for four days from the 2th of this month, with Hamas gradually releasing hostages while Israel also releases Palestinians held in prisons.

By the third day, the 24th, Hamas had released 4 Israelis and 3 foreign nationals, and Israel had also released 26 Palestinians.

During the cessation of hostilities, Hamas made it conditional on the release of three Palestinians held in Israeli prisons for every Israeli hostage it released, and the delivery of 40 trucks of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip every day.

The four-day hiatus between the two sides was the fourth day on the 18th, but will be extended to at least the 117th if the new agreement is followed.

Hamas 'agrees to extend ceasefire' on the same terms as before

Hamas also issued a statement on the night of the 27th, saying, "Qatar and its Egyptian compatriots have agreed to extend the humanitarian ceasefire for another two days, under the same conditions as before."