Widespread destruction caused by the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip (Getty Images)

The Wall Street Journal quoted informed sources as saying that there are talks between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) through mediators to extend the truce in Gaza for an additional 4 days, while a Qatari official confirmed to the Associated Press that prolonging the calm is in the interest of both parties.

On November 24, a four-day temporary truce between Israel and Palestinian factions came into effect, under the auspices of Qatari, Egyptian, and American.

According to the Wall Street Journal, mediators are considering the possibility of releasing more Israeli women and children in exchange for extending the truce, releasing more Palestinian prisoners and bringing humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.

Reuters quoted an Israeli official as saying that Benjamin Netanyahu's government would agree to an additional day of truce for every 10 additional detainees released.

The Israeli official added that his government is ready to release 3 Palestinian prisoners for every Israeli detainee, provided that the additional days are limited to 5 days.

Hamas has shown a similar willingness but has indicated that it needs time to gather information on Israeli civilians in Gaza.

Hamas accepts the release of Israeli female and child detainees on the basis of three Palestinian women and child prisoners for every Israeli detainee, but requires the release of all Palestinian prisoners for the release of Israeli military personnel.

Israel has neither agreed to nor rejected this formula outright, although it has the support of the families of captured Israelis in Gaza and many former security officials.

Interest for all

A Qatari official said Israel and Hamas had an interest in prolonging the calm despite their differences.

The Qatari official told The Associated Press that Doha is focusing on what is immediately possible, such as maintaining a ceasefire and preventing regional war.

In Washington, US National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said the administration of US President Joe Biden would like the temporary truce to be extended for a longer period until all Israeli detainees are released.

He added that the Israelis had agreed to continue the cessation of hostilities to free more detainees and to bring in more aid, and Hamas was also interested in moving forward with extending the deal.

On Tuesday, the humanitarian truce, which began Thursday for four days, will end at 7:00 a.m. Palestinian time, during which dozens of prisoners were exchanged between Israel and Hamas, in addition to the entry of relief materials into the Gaza Strip, including fuel.

Once the operation is completed on Monday, Israel will release 150 Palestinian prisoners from its prisons, while the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) will release 50 Israeli civilians, as part of the truce agreement, which also includes the entry of humanitarian aid and fuel to the Gaza Strip.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies