This was announced by the head of the search movement and the national organizing committee "Pobeda" Alexei Petrovich.

"At the age of 103, the battery commander of the 80th Guards Anti-Aircraft Artillery Minsk Regiment of the 1st Guards Don Tank Corps, holder of three Orders of the Patriotic War, the Red Star, medals "For Military Merit", "For the Defense of Stalingrad", "For the Liberation of Warsaw", "For the Victory over Germany", holder of the highest award of Moldova - the Order of the Republic, Guards Colonel Pavel Vasilyevich Gladkov joined the ranks of the Immortal Regiment. - he wrote on Telegram, publishing photos of the man.

Gladkov marched "from the walls of Stalingrad" through the Kursk bulge, where he almost died, all the way to Germany, Petrovich said.

He noted that during this time, Gladkov's battery destroyed 37 enemy aircraft and more than 200 Nazis.

After the war, Gladkov moved to live in Chisinau, where he lived a long and honest, working life, the activist said.

"He was the last participant in the battles of Stalingrad and Kursk who lived in our country," he stressed.