09.00 EU magazine

Some of the latest debates in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and other EU news are commented on and analysed. Host: Niklas Svensson. From 23/11.

10.00 Pupils' views on social and democratic issues LIVE

Presentation of the international study ICCS, which examines pupils' knowledge, values and engagement in social issues in grade 8.

10.30 Preventive work in a time of violence

On the work to prevent violence and crime, then a panel discussion on the crucial importance of schools in this work. Organizer: MÄN and Unizon. From 17/11.

12.00 Report

12.03 Preventive work in a time of violence

The seminar continues.

12.30 Forum: Politics and Society

13.00 New nuclear power in Sweden DIREKT

The Riksdag is debating two committees' proposals ahead of tomorrow's vote: the Committee on Trade and Industry on new nuclear power in Sweden and the Committee on Health and Social Affairs on welfare technology in care for the elderly.

15.00 Interpellation debates in the Riksdag DIREKT

Interpellation debates follow immediately after the debates. Ministers respond to written questions submitted by MEPs.

16.00 Report

16.00 What happened today

Here you can see a longer tableau

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