In the Diet, the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors will deliberate on the supplementary budget bill on the 28th, and there will be a debate over efforts to raise wages and measures to secure financial resources for measures to combat the declining birthrate. The ruling party wants to pass the budget bill on the 29th, while the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and others are insisting that sufficient deliberation is necessary, and consultations are expected to take place.

Following the House of Representatives, deliberations on this year's supplementary budget bill, which will support the new economic measures, began deliberations at the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors on the 27th, and the Liberal Democratic Party and the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan took the stand for questions.

Michihiro Ishibashi of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDP) said that the issue of political funding by LDP factions should be "thoroughly examined and reported by LDP organizations nationwide."

In response, Prime Minister Kishida stated, "It is important for organizations across the country to be aware of the problem, and the LDP would like to consider specific responses."

At the Budget Committee of the House of Councillors, questions will be held again on the 28th, and the Komeito Party, the Japan Restoration Party, the National Democratic Party, the Communist Party, and the Reiwa Shinsengumi will take questions in that order.

In addition, it is expected that there will be a debate on efforts to raise wages sustainably, measures to secure financial resources to address the declining birthrate, and issues related to political funding for factions of the Liberal Democratic Party.

The ruling party wants to pass the budget bill by voting on the budget committee and the plenary session on the 29th, while the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan and others are arguing that sufficient deliberation is necessary, and consultations are expected to take place.