Hossein Jaberi Ansari: The battle of the Al-Aqsa flood imposed a new strategic budget in the region (Iranian press)

TEHRAN – Former Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari said that the battle for the "Al-Aqsa flood" has brought the Palestinian issue back to the forefront of world developments again, while Israel considered it a forgotten issue until just before the seventh of last October and continues to normalize its relations with Islamic countries.

The latest battle exposed the occupation and its "official terrorism and genocide against the Palestinians", he said.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, Ansari said that the Palestinian resistance thwarted Israeli plans to root out the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), which forced it to accept the temporary truce agreement.

He added that the Israeli side has failed to free any of its prisoners despite the insane bombardment of the Gaza Strip and its implementation of the scorched earth policy for more than 40 days, in addition to its retreat from its previously set conditions regarding the prevention of the entry of food, water and energy into the Gaza Strip and its enormous loss of equipment and equipment.

Unity of the Palestinian people

The former Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs said that the release of a number of prisoners in Jerusalem and the West Bank within the framework of the ongoing truce agreement is an indication of the unity and cohesion of the Palestinian people and their common struggle to defeat occupation and independence, stressing that this contradicts the relentless Israeli policies that seek to drive a wedge between the West Bank and Gaza.

He considered Israel's acceptance of the humanitarian truce, or its acceptance during the next phase of the ceasefire before it achieves the goals announced by the occupation leaders, a strategic failure of the Israeli war machine, a consecration of the results of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood and a victory for the resistance.

Referring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's assertion that he had instructed Israel's Mossad foreign intelligence service "to act against Hamas leaders wherever they are," Ansari said that "Israeli officials are threatening the Palestinians with assassination in full view of the world and the media, and this confirms the clear fact that Israel is a terrorist state."

He called for employing political, legal and diplomatic efforts at various governmental, regional and international levels to perpetuate the reality of what he described as official terrorism in Israel and pave the way for its accountability. For decades, the Israeli occupation had been engaged in genocide against Palestinians.

Strategic Evolution

Ansari described the recent Israeli bombardment of civilians in the Gaza Strip as "a real holocaust that the world saw live on television," criticizing the international community's silence on Israeli massacres in Gaza.

The former spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry described the Israeli occupation's response to the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation on the seventh of last October as "crazy", and attributed the reason to the fact that what happened on this date constituted a strategic development in the history of the Arab-Israeli conflict and the Palestinian issue, whose repercussions may not be less than an earthquake with a magnitude of 10 on the Richter scale that targeted the military and political institution and security services in the occupation entity.

He pointed out that the occupation has been applying the principle of surprise since its establishment and launching lightning operations to resolve the battles within a few hours or days, and stressed that the Al-Aqsa flood operation is the first in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as the Palestinian side grabbed the threads of the initiative and carried out the operation that achieved valuable goals inside the occupied 1948 territories.

Ansari added that the Al-Aqsa flood operation proved to the Palestinian side and the Arab and Islamic nations that Israel is "weaker than a spider's web", contrary to the image presented by the Israeli occupation over decades of its imaginary ability and the myth of its "invincible army".

New Strategy

The former official believed that the American and Israeli sides were surprised by the "flood of Al-Aqsa" and were not ready to respond to such a battle, and therefore they have not yet been able to control its course, although they threw all their weight to ride the wave of its developments, stick to its threads and contain its repercussions.

He added that the United States and its ally Israel do not have a road map for the post-"Al-Aqsa flood" phase because they fell into a "reactionary" position, stressing that the side that engineered and managed the epic of the seventh of last October has undoubtedly thought and planned for the next stage and its developments.

During his reference to the fact that the post-October phase will not be the same as before, especially at the level of the Palestinian issue, he considered that the official Arab position during the current stage is much stronger than it was regarding Israeli behavior.

Ansari concluded that the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood imposed a new strategic budget in the region, and that the reaction of the Israeli side has not yet been able to destabilize it because the operation put it in front of a choice between bad and worse. He explained that the occupation fears at the current stage the prolongation of what it considers a humanitarian truce because this will consolidate the victory of the resistance.

Source : Al Jazeera