A scene from the handover of the third batch of Israeli prisoners in Gaza (Al Jazeera)

Sources told Al Jazeera that the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), began handing over the fourth batch of detainees in the Gaza Strip to the Red Cross, and also received the list of Palestinian prisoners held by the Israeli occupation scheduled for release on Monday evening.

Earlier in the day, the Israeli prime minister's office said it had notified the families of detainees due to be released in the fourth exchange of Israelis in Gaza with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.

The statement did not specify how many detainees would be released.

The Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth quoted officials as saying this evening that Hamas had agreed to include two mothers and nine children in the list of 11 detainees due to be released today.

Egypt said it expects to release 11 Israeli detainees today, while negotiations are still ongoing to release 33 Palestinians.

Palestinian Prisoners

In return, Hamas announced that it had received the list of Palestinian prisoners scheduled to be released later in the day, from Israeli prisons, which includes 3 female prisoners and 30 child prisoners.

It added in a statement that the prisoners who will be released today are Yasmine Tayseer Abdul Rahman Shaaban and Etaf Yousef Muhammad Jaradat from Jenin, and Nafud Jad Aref Hammad from Jerusalem.

She pointed out that the names of the released child prisoners will be announced later, according to the statement.

This list is the fourth batch of Palestinian prisoners to be released from Israeli prisons, under the humanitarian truce reached by Hamas and Israel in the Gaza Strip, under Qatari-Egyptian-American mediation, and took effect last Friday.

Qatari mediation succeeded in extending the truce agreement for an additional two days to include the daily release of 10 Israeli detainees in Gaza, women and children, in exchange for 30 women and children prisoners in Israeli prisons.

Source : Al Jazeera + Al Jazeera + Agencies