Abdul Rahman refused to photograph him up close and said: When I recover and my head and face return to normal, I can shoot (Al Jazeera)

Jerusalem-occupied Jerusalem - The 14-year-old Jerusalemite child Abdul Rahman Amer Al-Zaghal was unable to rejoice at the decision to release him, on Sunday, as part of the third batch of the prisoner exchange deal between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the occupation authorities, which included 21 Jerusalemite children, as he was undergoing surgery at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital after being seriously injured on August 18.

Amid a limited presence of his family and under the influence of drugs, the occupation police removed the electronic bracelet from his ankle, thus announcing the end of his house arrest west of Jerusalem.

Al-Zaghal was the only child to remain in house arrest among the 68 Jerusalemite children captured in the deal, in a clear gesture from the Palestinian resistance, which alerted to the suffering of the children in house arrest.

Home confinement consists in forcing the prisoner to stay in a certain house for a specified or indefinite period, leaving it only in exceptional cases, forcing a member of his family to ensure that he does not leave, and tying his ankle with an electronic bracelet that monitors his movements.

The child Abdul Rahman did not stop himself when he read his name among the lists of prisoners expected to be released at the beginning of the temporary truce, so he jumped a lot, screamed for joy and spoke by phone with his friends until he fell asleep from joy and fatigue and slept deeply.

Abdul Rahman (right) was arrested injured and then subjected to house arrest away from his town and home (Al Jazeera)

Baby Miracle

His mother says the success of Zaghal for Al Jazeera Net "Mesh certified condition, enthusiastic meets his companions and returns to his neighborhood, and completes his treatment, and tries to return to his school."

The mother fears that the injury could affect her child's academic future, as the occupation shot him at night while he was going to buy bread in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, which led to a bullet wound in the head, which shattered his skull and damaged his left eye, in addition to shrapnel in the pelvis.

Despite his injury, Abdel Rahman was taken to hospital for treatment while he was restrained, then arrested two weeks later on charges of throwing Molotov cocktails, and released on September 14 on the condition of open house arrest in the village of Beit Naquba, west of Jerusalem, and deportation from his home in the middle lane of the town of Silwan.

Al-Zaghal was born on the anniversary of the Nakba on May 15, 2009, and his father Amer died four years ago, and was injured in the Maragha neighborhood in the town of Silwan, the same neighborhood where the boy Milad Ayyash was killed in 4, and the boy Wadih Abu Ramuz earlier this year.

Mother Najah says that doctors described her son as a miracle child, as he miraculously survived after the news of his martyrdom spread the night, and recovered after being seriously injured.

The mother recounted two weeks of abuse at the hospital where Abd al-Rahman was treated with his hands and feet tied. She says that his room was heavily guarded, in addition to preventing his relatives from visiting him, and also preventing her from approaching him except at rare short times, while spending all the time peeking at him through the window of the room, which the police deliberately closed the curtain.

Najah Al-Zaghal was forced to accompany her son throughout the house arrest away from her home (Al-Jazeera)

Abuse in the hospital

"At first Abdul Rahman underwent surgery that lasted 5 hours, then I saw him in the intensive care room with his head swollen, then they asked me to prepare myself for any eventuality, I had a stroke and lost consciousness and was taken to the emergency," the mother recounts about the first moments of shock after his injury.

"Whenever I tried to see him, the police would mock and gloat at me, one of them grabbed the handcuffs and started shaking them mockingly, they even prevented the nurse from feeding him, and I was able to enter his room three days after he was injured."

The wounded child communicated with his mother with signals most of the time, and sent kisses to her remotely through the window, and despite his severe injury, he remained restrained even when using the bathroom, and the police officers deliberately turned off the lights of his room during the day so that his family would not see him, and lit them at night to disturb him during sleep.

Police also removed some cleaners and escorts of Jerusalemite patients from the hospital because they spoke to Abd al-Rahman's family or tried to help them.

The family was surprised one day when their son was transferred from Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital to Ramle prison, and says that he was subjected to medical negligence there despite the sensitivity of his health condition, and his wound became inflamed, and he was provided with painkillers only, and stayed there for 12 days before being exiled to the village of Ain Naqouba and subject to house arrest for two and a half months before his release.

Electronic bracelet needed Abdul Rahman even during surgery (Al Jazeera)

The suffering of home confinement

During that period, Abdul Rahman remained confined at home with his mother away from his school and friends, where the mother – who is his sole sponsor to abide by the conditions of imprisonment – was forced to leave her family's work, and leave her children at home in the town of Silwan, where she was forced to prevent Abdul Rahman from leaving, and police patrols were confirming this by phone and field.

After his release on Sunday, in front of Abdul Rahman a series of operations and periodic treatment, to restore consideration in his left eye and restore his skull, which was deformed, and says to the island net that he missed his school very much and aspires to become a businessman and give back to his mother.

He adds that he had previously escaped death several times, having been bitten months ago by a predatory dog, and an iron rod was stuck in his back when he was seven years old.

Abdul Rahman categorically refused to take pictures of him, telling us, "This is not my real form, when I recover and my head and face return as they were, I will take a lot of pictures."

Source : Al Jazeera